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Post By AdminLast Updated At 2020-06-11
What are the Limitations in Selenium?

Selenium is a Default open-source tool, for testing web applications. It is implemented with many programming languages and operating systems. It is the most popular and most used testing tool in the world. Even though Selenium is an open-source tool, it also has some limitations to observe. Below are some of the selenium limitation examples.

1.Selenium Limitations in Handling Captcha:

Handling Captcha is a set of limitations in selenium. We have some third party applications that automate captcha.

Know more selenium Limitations by Selenium Online Training
2.Page Loading:

As shown earlier, some web pages, in a web app are more user-specific, and it loads different element types, that depend on user activity.

3.Cross Browser Testing:

During cross-browser testing with selenium, so many developers have seen some components, of the web app work in one browser. It is mandatory to consider your apps to work properly with every single browser, or you can also decrease the high traffic rate.

4.Synchronization Issue:

We can call this as a sync issue or timeout issue. The most regular challenges, in selenium test automation. If you don't manage the issue in a proper way, your testing script may fail. It also proved that 90% of scripts fail because of Improper sync. When executing automation testing.

Even though this problem can be avoided by using some smart things like Explicit waits. Fluent waits and implicit waits. We can write our own methods to manage sync issues.

What are the challenges in Selenium | OnlineITGuru

5.Identifying some Dynamic Components:

So many web applications have web elements that are more dynamic nature, which is not recognizable when you visit the site for the first time. This explains, that the web page is user-specific and it shows, reports from different users. New Data shows on the web page, after a certain section of time, or when a user clicks something on the page.

For example, if the ID of a component is modifying on each payload, then it is not implemented to manage this situation in a normal way. The dynamic components were handled with Dynamic XPath or dynamic CSS selectors. You can also implement functions like Dynamic objects.

6.Managing Website Content:

A website or web application may contain static or dynamic content. Testing a website or a web application, that has static content and a small number of challenges in selenium automation. Not to mention in present times, most websites, has content that varies from one visitor to another visitor. This implies that the content is more dynamic.

7.False Negative and False positive Tests:

False Positive is the best method where your test output, will be in a successful way when It is not used vice-versa, the false negative is a method, where the test results report an error with a script compilation. Positives and negatives every time has a challenge on web automated testing and selenium in many different ways.

8) Handling Pop-Up windows:

This is just like a method where you have to automate Communication, with pop-up windows, it is nothing but one of the most common techniques in selenium automation.

Below is the HTML file, that has alert Pop-up Implementation.

from selenium import webdriverimport timefrom time import sleepfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementExceptionfrom selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutExceptionfrom import expected_conditions as ECfrom builtins import strdriver = webdriver.Firefox()driver.get("file://")driver.find_element_by_name("submit").click()sleep(5)alert = driver.switch_to.alerttext_in_alert = alert.textprint ("The alert message is "+ text_in_alert)sleep(10)alert.accept()print("Alert test is complete")driver.close()In case a page shows input alert, you can make use of send_keys() method to send text to the input box.from selenium import webdriverimport timefrom time import sleepfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementExceptionfrom selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutExceptionfrom import expected_conditions as ECfrom builtins import strdriver = webdriver.Firefox()driver.get("< Web Page that contains input box and submit button")driver.find_element_by_name("< field to be located").send_keys("text to be input")sleep(5)driver.find_element_by_name("submit").click()sleep(5)try:WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.alert_is_present(),'Timed out while showing the popup')alert = driver.switch_to.alertsleep(10)alert.accept()sleep(20)except TimeoutException:print("no alert is available")driver.close()from selenium import webdriverimport timefrom time import sleepfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementExceptionfrom selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutExceptionfrom import expected_conditions as ECfrom builtins import str

These are the limitations that we can see in Selenium, in upcoming blogs we will update more data on this Topic.