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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Explain about Salesforce Developer?

Salesforce developers able to understand programmatic and declarative skills to expand the applications on Force platform. This Salesforce is designed to learn concepts of Salesforce Platform Developer I Apex and platform II Visualforce. We offer levels of developer, designed to test your technical proficiency. The declarative and programmatic capabilities of Apex code and Visualforce. Generally in salesforce MVC architecture it includes javascript, developer console, Triggers and apex data types. By using the configuration of UI we can develop the applications of salesforce.

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Lets know about Apex :

Especially Apex an object oriented programming language which looks like a java and stored procedures and it can run entirely on Force.com platform. It allows developer for business logic process and execution of unit test creation .salesforce servers stored data in metadata form then end user send request and retrieve results from UI. The flow of execution and transaction control statements on Force.com platform with help of server, conjunction with calls to API.

For Writing an apex it enables to add an interact with data in Force.com platform layer. It uses variables, if-else statements, classes and data types. And execution based on a condition with a block of code is execute repeatedly. While Running Apex you can access Salesforce user interface pro-grammatically and integrate with external SOAP and REST Web services atomic transactions in a apex code. As a matter of fact Debugging and testing, Apex code in a sandbox with a developer console and debug logs. Unit-test your code using packages. DML statements and built-in Apex classes and interfaces.

What is Visualforce?

Visualforce is a framework markup language which allows defining the user interface components. visualforce also runs on Force.com platform user interface can develop visualforce pages. It a combination of both tags and controllers attributes and Pages cused for standard button and save button for contacts.

We can create custom pages and dashboards, sideboards in service of cloud console object reference and pre-built visualforce controllers developed. For a single controller argument in a class constructor with extension class.

Visualforce page can exist together with Lightning Components in agreement. For instance, in App Builder, you can utilize Visualforce Standard Component to add a Visualforce page to a page. Visualforce standard part is only a Lightning segment wrapper around a Visualforce page. On off chance that your Visualforce page independent and doesn't have to speak with other Lightning parts on page, there is nothing else you have to do.

In this article, we will concentrate on situations where Visualforce pages and Lightning parts do need to impart, and we will depict a basic way to deal with execute those Lightning-to-Visualforce correspondence necessities.

Different DOMs:

A Visualforce page facilitated in Lightning Experience is stacked in an iframe. As such, it's stacked in its own particular window protest which is not same as principle window question where Lightning Components are stacked.

Different Origins: Visualforce pages and Lightning Components served from various spaces. For instance, in this event that you are utilizing a developing a version.

  • Lightning Components stacked from a space that resembles.
  • Visualforce pages stacked from a space that resembles this.

Generally program's same-root strategy keeps a page from getting to substance or code in another page stacked from an alternate cause. Usually For our situation that implies that a Visualforce page can't utilize the parent window. For Instance Reference to get to content or execute code in Lightning Component wrapper. Essentially, Lightning segment can't utilize the i frame's content loaded reference to get to content or execute code in Visualforce page it wraps.

However these confinements authorized for good reasons. In any case, there is likewise an API that gives a safe approach to trade messages between various window objects with content stacked from various sources.

window.postMessage() is a standard
Generally In rest of this article, we will take at various cases showing how postMessage(). Equally Important Can utilized to convey between Lightning Components and Visualforce pages.Get in touch with OnlineITGuru for mastering the SalesForce Online Training
Recommended Audience:
Software developersProject ManagersTeam Lead’s
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