In every industry, technology updated so as to develop their business. Particularly IT industry needs to changed continuously to meet increasing demands of the market. Today more tasks run by the automated system in order to provide the fast. Continuous delivery of products and services to end user. To provide all these services accordingly, we need an software like Devops. In this blog , I share importance of DevOps and also, In what perspective DevOps is successful.
In 2014, IBM defined DevOps as business outcome which provides essential enterprise capability. For continuous delivery of software that enables organization to reduce time for customer feedback.
OnlineITGuru explains more about DevOps through Devops Online Training.
Practices has designed to dramatically improve, efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery process to increase the speed at a lower cost. A recent report states that, with adoption of this platform, they have seen a 50 % improvement in code quality, 70 % decrease in end user time and 58% of their teams were top in productive industry. The effective usage of different tools of DevOps were described below.
This platform today acts a bridge between application development team and IT operations by fusing an agile process. Which adopted by operation with agile practices favored by development teams. This platform can serve all services end – end from application to the development team and operations team.
For efficient delivery, Devops draws on concept of continuous delivery which requires removal of waste at each and every step of development process. In order to deliver fast and high-efficiency throughput. For effective streaming of delivery process, DevOps draw a design thinking and agile concept of continuous feedback loops in order to provide a quality and operational stability. Some of measurements discussed below.
Moving test, especially integration test will be front of development process which helps to reduce risk. Leads to implementation of Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing. A high degree of automation essential for successful implementation of DevOps in order to maintain quality which significantly reduces delivery cycle times.
Measurements :
Measurements play a major role in analyzing an activity. Application of Analytics and Artificial intelligence plays a finding insight of an application which provides better insights into success. Particularly when you combine use of application performance monitoring and sophisticated event management.
All these were essential in order to develop and run process effectively. Eliminating routine tasks like streamlining allows practitioners. To focus on various tasks like Error handling. Implementation of new methodologies for the simple automation and efficient error handling. For these tasks, teams need to structured differently where they can collaborate the task quickly and comprehensively.
On the other hand, along with this excellent feature for effective operation of a system. There are some negatives in using DevOps.
Generally If application development stage. It needs to updated frequently where there some situation like usage of old data to current application. All applications does not require same space and it is not possible to store data(code) at one place(where the storage capacity varied from company to company). Moreover, we have some situations like usage of data from one (or) more applications so as to develop and run current application.
In certain situations, data written now will stored in a separate place. Where there no possibility of storing data at that place. But problem in storing data at that place security which the major part of developing an application. On best example TESLA which does not have any password in the administrative account. Which is a major thing for non implementation of Devops. And its promises that it struggling in Incrementation of speed in its process by eliminating lengthy process.
If Security added to DevOps, it is a good platform which combined both development and operations teams.
Recommended audience:
Software DeveloperSystem AdminsTeam LeadersProject leadersPrerequisites:
DevOps, you get started by understanding its principles and tools. It's good if people have knowledge of programming and some IT operations. It’s quite easy for CS background people to learn when compared to other branches. But anyone master it with proper learning and training.
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