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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Latest features of iOS 12

Mobile has become a most common gadget in today's world. It looks like surprising when a person sort have a mobile, Today, in the market, we find several mobiles. Each mobile varies w.r.t cost, shape size etc. The more cost you afford, the highest mobile you expect in the market. Today these mobile gadgets were being prepared by many people in the market.

Some of them were Nokia, Samsung, Apple etc. . Out of these features, the best mobile that most of the people would like to have Apple mobile. This Apple mobile is known as iPhone.This operating system of this mobile is IOS. This is so called because it is the Apple OS. This IOS has released several versions till today. Each version has some new features. Till today, this IOS has 11 versions. Now this IOS is going to launch its latest version. Its number is 12. i.e. IOS 12. So in this article, let me explain to you the latest features of IOS 12.

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Latest features of IOS 12:

Till now users have enjoyed the features of IOS 11. Now they were going to experience the latest features of IOS 12. In this article, let me explain to you the advantage of each feature in detail. This feature is now available in both mobile and tablets ( iPhone and Ipad).

Group Notifications :

Notification was common for the electronic gadgets. When the user power on the gadgets, the person may find several notifications on the top. Among these many notifications, some notifications were useful, whereas some were useless. Busy people don’t have time to read all those things. So to avoid this problem, we would going to have an option of Grouped notification. It means that all the notifications were places under this Block. So the end user can read whatever the notification. Moreover, it makes the gadget clear when the user power on. All these notifications were placed in the LIFO. i.e the latest message would be at the top. A And, there we have a close option, where the user can close it when he has not interested to read this.Latest features of IOS 12

Don’t disturb :

This is the most useful features for the business people. Today, in this busy world, people find less time to get sleep (or) people would be too busy in their meeting. So in this situation, they were not interested to have the notifications instantly. So to avoid this, they will make the mobile in Do n’t disturb mode. if this mode was on all the notifications would be turned off unless the Don’t disturb mode is off. Moreover, we have a shortcut for this option. The shortcut is long press CENTER.Latest features of IOS 12

Along with this, we have one more option called Bedtime Mode. The advantage of this mode all the junk, automated, notifications will be in off state. Moreover, this bypasses all your favorite contacts notifications. It means that all the notification will be in off unless it is set as a favorite contact set by the user. Additionally, the user has an option of setting his own bedtime. This means that all the notifications would in an off state for the specified bed time. All the notifications would be active when the bedtime completed. Till today we don’t have and any shortcut to this. And this would be enabled in future i.e may be in IOS 13. So in order to enable this, you need to do manually like Setting à Don’t Disturb.Latest features of IOS 12

Screen time :

Today, this technology has brought the equal advantages as well as disadvantages. This smartphone is a boon as well as a curse. On the curse is Smartphone is an addiction to some people. It is very important for the parents to know regarding the amount of time spent by the children. Especially in using the particular electronic gadget. So this screen time tells you how much time, the user spent using the gadget. This would clearly tell you the amount of time spent on each app. Latest features of IOS 12

Along with the above-mentioned features, there are some other exciting features.

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Recommended Audience :

Software developers

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Prerequisites :

There are nothing additional prerequisites required in order to purse the IOS course. It’s good to have a basic knowledge of programming languages like C++ and dot net. But not mandatory. Trainers of OnlineITGuru will teach you from the basics if you don’t have a knowledge of those concepts.