It is the Master of the system. It maintains the metadata and file system tree for all the files and Directories. which are Present in the System. Name Node is a server which manages the file system Namespace and it controls access to files by clients. we have two files such as name space Image and edit log are being used to store, Meta Data information. Name Node can know all the Data nodes containing, data blocks for a given file and wont store the block location. And the Wanted Information Reconstructed every time from data nodes while system starts. so in this way we can see Processes in Hadoop Administration .
Secondary Name Node :-
It also contains name space images and edit logs like name node. after this for every one hour, it will copy the name space Image from name node and merges this with edit log. And Copy it back to name node will have the new copy. for instance if the name node is low and corrupted , then we will restart another machine. with Edit log and names space image. so that we can save total failure.
secondary Name node has equal amount of CPU and memory. its working as Name node. And Installed in a separate machine like that of a name node. so by this way we came to know so what about Processes in Hadoop Admin online training.
stand by name node :-
In hadoop 2.0 we have Introduction of HA. the stand by name node came into existence. it is the node that deletes the problem of SPOF (single point of failure) which is in Hadoop 1.x. if Active Name node fails. The name node provides automatic fail over in case Active Name node.
And it is not mandatory , that we have to enable HA, and you cant use , secondary name node, when it enabled. so by that stand by name node enabled or secondary name node enabled. By this we have got some knowledge that Processes in Hadoop Administration.
Journal Node :-
In an Advanced Hadoop Cluster, you have more name nodes, which are active/passive mode. if they have any changes , active name node will inform to the journal nodes. stand by name node will inquiry about what are the changes Done in journal node. so till now we have seen Processes in Hadoop Administration then we will go for Data node.
Data Node :-
A Data Node used for storing the Data. And the Functional file system contains more than one data node. Where the Data replicated in them. when the Data Node started. It connects to the Name node , circulating until that service comes up. it then reacts to requests from the Name node itself for file system operations.
client Applications can communicate directly with a data Node,when the name node. will provide the spot of the Data. In the Same way Map reduce operations done out to task tracker samples in front of Data Node. Communicate Directly with Data node to operate the files. Task Tracker Instances should moved on the same servers. that which host the Data Node Instances. by that the map reduce operations performed near to Data.
Zoo Keeper Node :-
it is combined application for all matters, want to check regularly. we have more information for applications like, structure, Information,configuration.
Most regular case is configuring the application. for example if you want to configure 80 servers, to synchronize this variation to all nodes, you have to move . A synchronized server. And the Application will have this feature. Think that if you add 12 applications, you have to take care about each application, so here the Zookeeper will help you, and it will handle all information by itself. so the above all nodes will explain Processes in Hadoop Administration
Prescribed Audience :
This is for person who points a calling as a Hadoop Developer to comprehend Hadoop and Big Data. Hadoop Administration online training will fit the specialists with IT Admin encounter, for instance:
Information Base Administrator
Framework Administrator
Windows Administrator
As Hadoop is java construct and Hadoop continues running in light of Linux, No stresses. a perfect way would parallelly spend two or three hours with us for learning java and Linux nuts and bolts.
Hadoop Basics
Overseeing, keeping up, observing and investigating Hadoop Cluster
Learning about Oozie, H catalog/Hive.
(On the off chance that the understudy is unconscious of all these, they would be coached in the themes by the workforce)