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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Reasons to adopt SWIFT in app design

Today many youngsters, after the completion of graduation, interest in the creation of apps.   These apps must have a capability to run on different platforms through various devices. Making this all is not a simple and easy task. You need a perfect the platform to create this in a simple and easy manner. Coming to the point of IOS, the creation of apps is not like a read mix food item available in the market. It needs a lot of effort to design the app and deploy it on the cloud. Before that, it requires a various test to check and fix the bugs in the app.  In order to overcome that complication, developers created a new platform named swift for the creation of the app easier. So in this article, you will be knowing the reasons to adopt swift in app design

Get the best training on SWIFT from the real-time experts through SWIFT Online Training.

 Before going to know the reasons to adopt swift in app design, first, let me explain you some of the drawbacks of IOS  while designing an app and then we move the reason to change  to swift over IOS

Drawbacks of Objective C :

  • Objective C does not support all the required features for the app
  • It is an outdated language, which lacks many of the features available in other languages like SWIFT
  • Dependent on the OOPS concept.
  • The learning curve for using this language is large.

So keeping that in point of mind and to overcome the problem, they invented the SWIFT language.

Reasons to adopt SWIFT in App design :

SWIFT is the latest programming language, designed to develop apps. It is a simple and easy to learn programming languages over IOS.  This SWIFT  makes the design and development of apps in an easy and simple manner. It is the fast, modern, interactive open source language.  This makes the programming language more productive with more features add to it.

A basic structure of  web application  has  three major areas :

Learn SWIFT: A major application programming language for writing the IOS apps.

Learn X code: It is a development tool to design the app UI, to learn the SWIFT code and build your apps.Reasons to adopt SWIFT in app design

Understand the software development Kit :

Apple provides a software development kit to make our lives simpler. This comes with a set of tools and API that makes our lives simpler. It empowers you to develop IOS apps. For an instance when you want to display the web page in the app, SDK provides you with a built-in the browser.  And the browser is placed at the top of the application.

Now let me move to the history of the SWIFT.

SWIFT was initially released in the year 2014. This is used as a major programming language for the creation and development of the application. This is much easier to learn and takes less time to develop the app.

Soon after, in the year 2015, SWIFT 2 was released. This version was released in the open source platform. With this version, developers not only create the IOS, but they can create the Web frameworks. Top companies like IBM use this framework.

Then after, in September 2018, the next version named SWIFT 3 was released.  This language was integrated with Xcode8   This the biggest hit of the SWIFT programming. Additionally, there were tons of the changes in SWIFT 3.  All these changes make the creation and development in a smarter way.

Finally, the latest version, that we use today is SWIFT 4 which contains inbuilt of Xcode 9 with advanced enhancements improvements.  This version has an advantage of backward compatibility.  Additionally, the codes of SWIFT 3 can run SWIFT4

With this extended and amazing advantages, people moved to SWIFT over IOS. So get the best training on  SWIFT from the real time Experts through SWIFT Online Course Hyderabad.

 Recommended   Audience :

Software developers

Project Leaders

Team Managers

Prerequisites :

 There are nothing additional prerequisites required in order to purse the  SWIFT course. It's good to have a basic knowledge of programming languages like C++ and dot net.  But not mandatory.  And the trainers of OnlineITGuru will teach you from the basics if you don't have a  knowledge of those concepts.