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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Specialty of Model View Controller architecture

We have many technologies across the globe.Some technologies were related to User interface, whereas some technologies related to back-end development. But each technology has its own importance and its own architecture. The behavior of one architecture is usually quite different from one another. Among many architectures in the IT world, MVC has some special importance. Let us know the Specialty of Model View Controller architecture.

Before going to know the Specialty of Model View Controller architecture. Let, me introduce AngularJS. Then ill make a move regarding this architecture. Angular JS is an open source web application framework.   This powerful framework originally developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons. But later time being, it maintained by Google. Since its release, it has many versions. Its latest version is 1.4.3

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 Basically, Angular JS is a structural framework for creating dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language. Moreover, the advantage of this framework that here we can express our application components clearly.Additionally, its data binding and dependency injection feature eliminates much of the code that you have to write.Moreover, it can be freely used, changed (or) shared by anyone. It is an excellent framework for building the single-phase applications and line of business Applications.

Speciality of Model View Controller architecture

Before  going to Know the speciality of Model View Controller architecture , let us know what is meant by MVC ?


MVC stands Model, View and controller. It is an architectural component that separates the total architecture into three components.  Each component has its own importance and unique application. It one of the most frequently used industry standard web development frameworks to create scalable and extensible projects. Let us discuss each component in detail.

Model:  This component contains the data related logic that the user works with.  This data is used to transfer the data between the Model and  View (or) Model and Controller. For example, a customer will retrieve the customer information from the database, update it and sends it back to the database (or) use it to render the data.Specialty of Model View Controller architectureView :

This view component is used for all the UI logic of the application. It the view that is visible to the end user An example of a view is customer components, where the end user interacts with different components like drops downs checkboxes etc.

Controller :

A controller is an interface between Model and View Components to process all the incoming request,  It Manipulates the data using the model component and then interacts with the views to process and render the final output. For example, all the interactions will handled by the customer controller, and the customer view inputs and then update this data using the customer model.

This architecture is the powerful architecture among all the other architectures.

Moreover, along with this, angualrJS has some more special directives and features along with this architecture.Let us discuss in detail.

Directives :

Directives the special extensions that added with HTML. These special attributes start with ng – prefix. Let me explain you these directives along with Specialty of Model View Controller architecture.

  • ng-app :

It is the root element of AngularJS application.This directive used to start the Angular JS application. Angularjs automatically initializes and loads (or) bootstraps the application when the application contains the Angular JS is being Loaded. It is used to add various modules in Angular JS application.

  • ng-init():

It used to initialize the Angular JS application.It used to assign the values  to the variables in the application

  • ng-model():

Generally It used to combine the values of Angular JS application data to the HTML input controls.

  • ng-repeat():

Most Important This directive repeats the HTML elements for each item in the collection.

Now let me take to the next step in Specialty of Model View Controller architecture.

Features :

Dependency Injection:

It specifies a design pattern. It specifies the dependencies rather than hard-coding them in the component.

Two-way data binding :

AngularJS framework creates the two-way framework between order prop model and Select element. This order prop is then used as an input for the order filter.

Testing :

Unlike other frameworks,  Angular Js provides you two types of testing namely unit testing and end –end testing. However the advantage of providing this two types of testing is that we can individual pieces of code (or) can test the entire code.

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Recommended Audience:

Software Developers

Project Manager

Team Leads

UI designers


There is nothing much prerequisites required to pursue the Angular JS Course. It good to have a basic Knowledge of front-end programming languages like HTML, CSS.  But not mandatory. Trainers of OnlineITGuru will teach you from the basics if you don’t have Knowledge on those topics