What is Python Programming?
Python programming language is an Interpreted and high-level programming language. This was designed by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1989. The first version of python was released in the year 1991. In the first place result is, with this python language we can Design, any type of Desktop, and software web applications and For the most part, Frameworks will explain what is python Programming.
Earlier if you know Java and C++ it is OK. but Python language will terminate the wall, that you have designed for a critical programming language. In the meantime get ready to Feel python! Especially Python is the most used Programming language.
For what Python is used for?
Computer Programming.
Including Physics and mathematics.
Developing software.
Server web Development.
What is the work of Python?
In summary, Python code is Coupled with Prototyping and fast Production for Software Development.
Used for managing Big Data and work with critical mathematics.
Accordingly, it can connect to a database, read and modify the files.
Creating workflows is easy with it. so then it acts as a server for web applications.
Best things to know
In particular, the latest version is Python 3.8.1
Readability of python script is more easy, Such as English, maths, and stats. It uses the latest lines to finish a command, Furthermore, some other languages use semicolons.
Python programming based on indentation, For the most part, it uses white space to define a scope. Scopes known as functions and classes. Where other programming languages use curly brackets.
Thanks for staying with me till now.
- Why learning python is Important?
- How to install python?
- Basics of Python?
- Data Types.
- Flow control.
- Functions.
- File Handling.
- Object & class.
Why learning Python is Important?
Python is a high-level programming language. it is very easy to learn, you can type python very easily. It looks like a natural language, reading and understanding python is Easy. No semicolons and braces. The best feature is, it operates on any platform, Solaris, Macintosh, Linux, and windows.
For example the beauty of Python, projects makes it more familiar. Below are the bullet points about it.
1.Runs on Many Platforms.
2.Monopoly for scripting and fast applications.
3. It is an Interpreted language.
4.Fast and smooth Typing.
5.Superstring Manipulation.
6.Minute rules in exceptions.
7.Beautiful program layout.
For example, Even a kid can read this language.
Stop! I will show more about Python.
It is a very popular language in some sectors like Big Data, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence. In this case, it is used by, some multinational companies know as Google, Mozilla, YouTube, Facebook, IBM, Yahoo, NASA, Dropbox.
You can see our Amazing video Introduction, to Python programming language, here our Python training Professional. Explained Python with the best real-time, examples. This Python video tutorial will help you to understand much about the Python programming language.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEPqqczgCEYHow to Install Python?
Let us go with Python Installation in windows.
Click the link: https://www.python.org/downloads/ and install the updated version on your computer.
2) After that, the second option is to download and install Pycharm IDE.
What is Pycharm?
Pycharm is an IDE that is implemented in the scripting of the computer, and it is mainly implemented for Python Programming languages. It offers proper code analysis, a small graphical debugger. And an integrate testing unit. It does integration with VCSes control systems. And it supports web development options with Django.
Basics of Python
The following are the five basic fundamentals needed to Program python.
1)Object @ class.
2)File Handling.
3) Functions.
4) Flow control.
5) Datatypes.
We already know about, python object concept programming language.
If we observe Python Occasionally, everything in python looks like an object.
A class is known as a blueprint designing project.
Start a Class.
To start a class, make use of the Keyword class:
The basic string is known as Docstring
Class myclass:
C:\users\My Name>python demo_class1.py
Start object
Now we can implement class name my class to start objects:
Class My class:
P1 = Myclass()
C:\users\My Name>python demo_class2.py
5 File Handling
For reading or writing a file, we need file handling.
By performing these steps, we can finish it.
Open file
Read/write file
Close file
File opening
Python Designed an inbuilt function for an opening file that is open()
This function gives back us a file object. That is called a handle. It mainly used for modification and readability of file in a sequence.
File = open(“C:/users/onlineITguru/hello.txt”,”r”)l
For line in the file:
Print (line)
The result is as below
Writing To A File
straightaway if you want to begin writing a file, you should open it in write ‘w’, or ‘a’
We should care about ‘w’ mode as it will rewrite into, In brief, a file that existence from the past. Each and every previous data has been terminated.
Scripting a string by using write()
Sample script
Open(“c:/users?onlineitguru/writing_into_file.txt”, ”w”) as f
f.write(“first line\n”)
f.write(“second line\n”)
file = open(“D:/writing_Into_file.txt”,”r”)
for line in the file:
print (line)
The result would be
Second line
To read the content from a file
For instance, for reading the content in a file, we should think about the opening file in the reading mode.
Thus we can implement the read(size) process to read in how much number is the data.
Sample script
File=open(“c:/user/edureka/writing_Into_file.txt”, “r”)
The result will be as below
Second line
For closing a file
Usually when we have not completed with operations in the file, By the way, we require to close it properly.
For instance, when you close a file, it will free up each and every need, further that were stuck with the file. In this case, done by Including the close() method.
Sample script
File = open(“c:/users/edureka/hello.txt”, “r”)
Text = file.readlines()
The output is like this
[‘one\n’, ‘two\n’, ‘three’]
Data types
Particularly All the data types in python type show by objects, However Besides each and every object has a data type.
5)Bytes & byte Arrays.
Flow control:-
Regularly you have to control the flow of your program, Together with these six basic flow controls.
Up to the present time Functions in python programming, are a team of related statements. And also this will operate a certain task. Later functions design a program in an organized way by reusing the code.
In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed, by reading our Python blog and you found it more useful. Meanwhile, I think you got little idea about the Python programming language. Now you can practice soon all of your examples. Lastly, if you have any queries feel free to contact our python online training experts.