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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Best Practices for iOS App Architecture

iOS is a mobile operating system that run's on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. The main purpose to design the iOS is to respond faster and less power consumption. Suppose, if we can own an iPad, iPhone the flow of data is very smoothly and fastly. We can sync photos from other devices, answer the calls and send a text message faster compare to Android. This mobile operating created by an Apple Inc over 11 years old. iPhone latest version iOS 12. It is the best software underlying globally and allows the users very easily. Although, it is a NO.1 OS across the world. From this blog, I explained Best Practices for iOS App Architecture.

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There are 2 million iOS apps is available to download. So, many things are changed from 2007 to till now. In the previous blog, I explained the latest version of iOS and features. If you want that information regarding iOS takes a look on before blogs. A mobile operating system like iOS, which is completely different from other operating systems. Because it protects each app in its own protective shell. By this process, it keeps remaining apps in distance and avoids virus problem. In iOS, all apps will run very fastly. It is a multitasking operating system. But, cost of the iOS is very high compared to the other operating system. It does not use much RAM, which can use highly by Android OS. Coming to the blog Best Practices for iOS App Architecture are discussed below.

Best Practices for iOS App Architecture

In these days, Designing patterns and applications are very important. Almost all peoples are feeling very difficult about to choose the architecture for iPhone app development. It's an important topic to discuss which architecture is good. Because it gains the best result when we have a good architecture for our iOS app development. If we do not choose good architecture face several problems like debugging and we are unable to find the errors in class. We are not robots right! to keep the class as a whole entity in mind. These will cause many problems in development time. For those reasons, follow some architecture designs in iOS app development. Now, I explain Best Practices for iOS App Architecture in below.

Model-View-Controller Pattern for iOS Development

It is the first architecture pattern by apple and explains a better separation of concerns. iOS supports MVC by default, which is best for simpler applications. According to the name, it divides three parts

Model: It is a collection of different classes and it shows the business logic. This model can define which data can be alert and which data can be manipulated.

View: This view can represent which user can view the functionalities of the app. The data displayed by the view which is coming from the controller as input to view.Best Practices for iOS App Architecture

Controller: It is a middleman between model and view. By using a controller, we can decide the how should represent in the view. The main function of the controller is which can take the input through the view. Those data will process through the model and again pass back the output to view. But it has some concerns related to bloated ViewControllers. This leads to application complexity increases and finally, the code will difficult to test.

Model-View-Presenter in iOS App Development

Model: In MVP, the model process will the same as MVC.

View: It consists of both UI View Controller and UI View.Best Practices for iOS App Architecture

Presenter: In the place of the controller replaced by Presenter. Now all responsibilities are taken by the presenter and communicate with the model layer and update the result to the view.

Model-View-View-Model in iOS App DevelopmentBest Practices for iOS App Architecture

It is the updated version of MVC. In this MVVC the UIView and UIViewController are united to form View with the addition of ViewModel. The use of ViewModel is to introduce the changes of model and updates daily with it. Now, the view is stronger with a combination of View Model. By this process, more readability and maintainability due to the separation of problems. Conclude that MVC is the Best of solve problems. But, MVP and MVVM both eliminates problems present in the MVC. Finally, the blog explains Best Practices for iOS App Architecture.

Recommended Audience :

Software developers

Project Leaders

Team Managers

Prerequisites :

There are nothing additional prerequisites required in order to purse the IOS course. It’s good to have a basic knowledge of programming languages like C++ and dot net. But not mandatory. Trainers will explain each and everything in a practical way.

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