Footprinting is the concept used for collecting Data about computers. For doing this process, a hacker may use simple tricks and tools. If the Hacker gets the Information that he wants, he may crack the whole system.
1. Types of data we get by Footprinting are:
a)Job Information.
b)Phone numbers.
c)Employee information.
e)IP Addresses.
f)Domain name.
g)The operating system of the target machine.
i)Network map.
j)Security configurations of the target machine.
k)Email id, password.
l)Server configurations.
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Generally, this method is Performed Indirectly on the Target Machine.
In this Approach Data is collected on a system, which is located at a remote distance from the Hacker.
c)Open Source:
This is the safest method, that hackers can do, it does not have any legal limitations. With this method, the hacker will get someone’s Email, mobile number, address, scanning IP, with the help of Automated Tools.
He can also Search for his Age, DOB, and Address. Many companies offer Data about their company on their official website. In the same way, they do not know that hackers will get benefits from that data, offered on their website contact us page or about us page.
In Network-based methods, hackers get Data within a Group, user name, data offered among, networks and services.
e)DNS Integration:
When the hacker finished collecting data what all he wants, then he will check the DNS, with Pre-existing tools. So many Freeware tools are offered online for implementing Integration.

3. What we can do?
a)Know the Security Posture:
Especially, From the collected data we can see Security posture, of the company, like Details about the Firewall and Security configuration applications.
b)Decrease Attack location:
Here we can recognize a certain range of systems and they can concentrate on particular goals. In the same way, It decreases, how many systems are concentrated.
c)Recognizing Vulnerabilities:
We can Design an Information database that has the vulnerability goals, loopholes, which offered in the system of Target Company.
d)Draw Network Map:
Generally, It helps to Design a complete network map of the Target Company, that covers the topology, the presence of server, in the same way, some trusted routers and some other Information.
Especially, With the help of Footprinting, the hackers get the basic security Configurations of a target machine with Data flow and Network Route.
Once if the Attacker finds the Threats, simply he can concentrate on a certain location of the target computer directly.
It accepts the hacker to Recognize, which attack is easy to hack on the target computer.
Generally, Collecting Network Information.
Get System Information.
Collect Organizations Information.
4. Tools Used:
A data Gathering tool, where it helps you to get Email Address and Subdomains of certain targets. Harvester made by python code, that searches Data, from Giant Data engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo in the same way duck-duck go.
It is just a potent tool that gives a complete dashboard for collecting Data, for the targeted website that a hacker is going to attack. As a matter of fact, It is a free tool, Specially made of Backtrack Linux OS.
Similarly, this software gives data, like IP address, a programming language used for developing a Website, and in the same way the number of websites that hosted on DNS.
Generally, It's a Data gathering tool for getting Data or data that publicly available on the Internet of any company.
5. What are the sources?
a)Eaves Dropping:
Here the hacker tries to record, our personal conversation when we are communicating with some other person.
Especially, In this method, they create a fake phishing page to get their Details.
Generally, this is just like the older version of the website, where many features of the website have been changed. Especially Archieve.org collects images of the website, in a Regular Time Period. With this method, we can get the older versions of the website.
Generally, In google, if they type the term hacking they, get many details about hacking. If they do some Advance search they may get some hacking techniques also.
This is all about footprinting and its techniques to implement, in future we will update data on this Techniques, in ethical hacking we have many techniques, but this technique is used by many hackers.