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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Continuous Integration is the important part in DevOps. Through this part, various stages of DevOps can integrated. Now, Jenkins can integrate the stages of DevOps. It is a famous continuous integration tool. I think some peoples excite to know the reason behind the popularity of Jenkins in these days. In this blog, I will cover what is Jenkins? and Continuous Integration with Jenkins.

What is Jenkins?

Generally Jenkins, it is a most popular tool. It has multiple plugins for the continuous integration process. Through plugins, it offers an extension of features and flexibility. The main use of Jenkins is to test software projects Continuously, that makes easier for developers to solve the problems. It mainly integrates all stages of software that are in testing, packaging, static analysis, deployment. These are Some reasons why it is an advantageous toolIt is an open source tool with wide community support. Very easy to install, It has a number of plugins; we can add the plugins to the community if, any plugin doesn't exist. It built it ed by Java code, Free of cost.
Jenkins Continuous integration
If the application completed to build, then deployed on the test server for testing. Developers should wait until the testing was complete. It is very difficult for developers to identify the bugs in the entire program. It will cause to slow delivery output. There is continuous feedback pertaining to test status, build failures and some files are missing. The entire process will take place manually, Simultaneously it leads to failure of the total program. This lead to customer dissatisfaction.Continuous Integration with JenkinsTo overcome the above problems we use Jenkins. We have discussed that Jenkins is a continuous integration tool. In this process shared repository developers can perform multiple changes at the same time. For example After a developer commits the code, Jenkins server checks the repository if any changes required. If the changes will occur, Jenkins server commits to clear the changes and starts preparing a new Design. To illustrate this design fails, the concerned team will notify. Otherwise, it will go to the next stage that is a test server. when this stage is completed, Jenkins generate the feedback to the developers about the result. Similarly same process will repeat. Finally, I explained the topic of Continuous Integration with Jenkins. I am sure that you got some idea on  Continuous Integration with Jenkins.
Learn DevOps
The term DevOps formed by combining the both Development and Operations. It is the key and starting point to know "What is DevOps" for who don't know about this concept. But, I think all developers, students know about DevOps. Almost 75% of software companies and other business organizations are using DevOps. Because to deliver a high-quality software. Suppose, if we maintain stability in a system, it reaches all requirements of users. Actually, the word DevOps coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois. Not to mention He is one of the people in the development of DevOps. Most people think that DevOps is technology but, it's not true according to the experts. Actually, it is a culture. And, it improves the collaboration between development and operation teams.

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Checking each and every point is not possible for developers and system administrators. Because they have a lot of problems with their customer's side and client side. This leads to pulling different direction. Moreover, in some cases, business users need changes like new services and latest features. If that is the case, they want a system that is very stable and free from interruptions. However DevOps provides the quick solution to the customers. Simultaneously It can resolve the dilemma by integrating everyone with deployment and software development. As a result It provides the result very fastly with best output. It's time to take a look at Continuous Integration with Jenkins. In upcoming blogs, i will cover more topics on it

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