Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with building intelligent machines that perform tasks like humans. It aims to bring smart machines to perform complex tasks without encoding with commands. There are different types of Artificial Intelligence. They perform tasks based on their programs. Simulation of human intelligence in machines to think like humans in solving problems is the technique of AI. Furthermore, we will discuss the various types of Artificial Intelligence and their performance in different tasks.
Types of Artificial Intelligence:
There are three major types of Artificial Intelligence. They are Weak or Narrow AI, General AI, and Super AI. Moreover, there are 4 other types of Artificial Intelligence. Such as; Reactive machines, Theory of mind, Limited memory, and Self-awareness. These are divided based on their capability and working principle. Moreover, these types of Artificial Intelligence are discussed below.
Narrow AI:
This is one of the types of Artificial Intelligence. It performs any dedicated task with intelligence. This is one of the most common AI types. These machines are been trained to perform a single or specific task at a time. It cannot perform tasks beyond its limitations. If it goes beyond its limits, it may fail. Furthermore, it is also known as weak AI. Few examples of Narrow or weak AI are speech recognition, image recognition, playing chess, auto-driving cars, etc.
Artificial Narrow Intelligence is an Intelligence process that represents all the existing AI. This also includes even the most complex and capable Artificial Intelligence that has ever been built to date. Furthermore, ANI refers to AI systems that can only execute a particular task autonomously using human-like abilities. These devices perform nothing more than what they are programmed for. Therefore, they have a very limited or narrow range of competencies in the current industry. According to the above-given classification system, these devices correspond to all the current reactive and limited memory Artificial Intelligence. Even the most complex AI that uses ML and deep learning to teach itself falls within this AI.
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General AI:
This type of intelligence is built to perform any task with intelligence like a human being. Still, there is a talk that no such system is built in the world. Most researchers in the world are working to develop these kinds of machines that could work like humans. The aim is to build such machines to think smarter as humans. And perform well beyond expectations. These systems will contain multi-function capabilities across various domains. There is currently no real-world example of this kind of system. But there is progress in its development. Furthermore, these machines are under research. Developing such types of Artificial Intelligence and machines is a complex task.
The AGI is the AI agent’s capability to learn, recognize, understand, and function completely as a human being. These systems will be able to independently develop different abilities and build links and making specific statements across domains. Moreover, it massively cuts down training time also that was required earlier. This will make Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems capable like humans by replacing their two many functional capacities.
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Super AI:
Super AI is a high-level Intelligence system. Machine built with this feature may perform beyond human intelligence. They could think well than human beings to solve any complex task. Besides, these include some intelligent characteristics like thinking ability, solving puzzles, maths skills, reasoning, etc. Moreover, it can do judgments and can communicate well. It is a high-end concept and facing a challenge while developing. If the technology has been growing exponentially to the peak stage, then it will change the whole life of human civilization
The development of ASI or Artificial Superintelligence will likely mark the peak of AI research. Hence, AGI will become the far most capable form of intelligence on earth. Additionally, ASI, which duplicates the multi-faceted intelligence of human beings, will be extremely better at everything they do. This is because it has greater memory, faster data processing and analysis, and decision-making capacities. Moreover, the development of AGI and ASI will lead to an outline most popularly mentioned as the singularity. And while the possibility of having such powerful systems at our disposal seems attractive. Hence, these devices may also threaten our existence or at the very least, the way of our life.
Types of Artificial Intelligence on a functional basis
Furthermore, there are four different types of Artificial Intelligence based on the working principle of machines. These are different from the above types. Such as;
Reactive machines:
These machines are the basic types of Artificial Intelligence that don’t store any memory. They work based on current happenings and could react well according to the issue. Due to the lack of capability of using the previous experience, they lose to gain better results. The Deep Blue system of IBM is the best example of reactive machines. This is a chess-playing computer. It can identify different pieces of the chessboard and it also checks the moves. This machine identifies both the moves of self and the opponents. And also selects the best move and plays it well. Moreover, it doesn’t have the ability to revise the earlier moves due to low memory.
Theory of mind:
This kind of AI machine can think like a human being and can understand emotions as well as belief. They can be able to interact well like humans. These kinds of AI machines are still under research and may come down shortly. On the basis of understanding human minds, Artificial intelligence can be able to modify its own responses. For example, we can take a robot as a prototype. It can identify the moments of other robots. If we put a robot at the entrance gate of the office it will look into the other ones coming forward. It will observe the movements and can turn itself accordingly to avoid collisions. Here, the robot uses its common sense as human beings. This will change the future of artificial intelligence with new developments.
Limited memory:
These types of AI machines are capable of storing past data for a short period. These can perform based on past information stored in their memory. For example, self-driving cars can hold such type of memory. Furthermore, they can remember the last drive details such as the speed of the car, GPS location of the car, etc. It also remembers the distance of the cars on road, navigation of routes, etc. It memorizes all these things just like a human does. Moreover, it can guide human beings to drive in the right way to avoid accidents.
This type of AI machine is the future of artificial intelligence. These kinds of machines include self-consciousness, self-awareness, etc. They can think beyond human memory. These machines may have super intelligence power. These are still under development and include a lot of effort and money. Moreover, it is a hypothetical task. These kinds of machines need a lot of intelligence to build up. This requires excellent skills to develop such machines. Further, these can compete with the human brains which will be a starting of a new era.
Methods and techniques of Artificial Intelligence
There are a few types of Artificial Intelligence techniques. These techniques are divided based on the capacity of the machine. Such as;
- Support Vector Machines
- Natural language processing
- Heuristics
- Artificial Neural Networks
Support Vector Machines:
These machines follow Machine Learning algorithms. They are used for the classification of issues. This technique is useful for face recognition, image recognition, etc. It is also helpful for text recognition purposes. For example, it is useful to classify emails such as primary, social, promotions, etc.
Natural Language Processing:
This kind of technique is useful for understanding human language. Using this technique, a computer can interpret and manipulate natural human language. Moreover, it is most useful in speech recognition.
Heuristics is one of the popular methods or techniques of Artificial Intelligence. This method is useful to solve complex issues that a classic method or technique cannot solve. It learns from past experiences and performs well. Furthermore, this is the most basic technique of AI.
Artificial Neural Networks:
ANN work based on Nodes from which they are built. These are inspired by natural neural networks such as Neurons. These neurons help living organisms to transmit and process any information. Neurons found in the brains of living organisms. These networks help to identify patterns from different data sources. Moreover, it uses different learning techniques such as; Deep Learning, Supervised learning, reinforced learning, etc.
Artificial Intelligence examples
Artificial Intelligence is an emerging technology that spreading its wings in every sector. Due to the increase in customer service and business, the utilization of AI technology has also increased. Its application inspires me by writing stories automatically. There are few examples of AI where it is most useful. Such as Self-driving cars, Ridesharing services like Ola & Uber, Spam filters, Smart division of Emails, Autopilot techniques in Commercial flights, etc. Moreover, they are found in Google’s predictions based on AI. Furthermore, there are other examples of Artificial Intelligence like Plagiarism checker for assessment and grading system, mobile check deposits, etc. Most of these examples we can see in our daily life. And also utilize them for different purposes.
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Advantages of Artificial Intelligence in daily life
Different types of Artificial Intelligence methods and techniques have changed human life well. Its implementation paves the way for living for the entities. Most companies prefer to apply these AI systems to perform well in the global market. Similarly, there are many advantages of AI in our daily life. They can revolutionize any sector. A few of the advantages of AI are;
- It could reduce human errors that humans generally do while doing any task.
- It helps in doing repetitive tasks easily. Some of the works need repetition which is not possible for humans beyond limits. Here, AI can make a difference by doing a repetition of such tasks with less stress.
- Moreover, the biggest advantage of using AI is that it is available round the clock. Even human beings need some rest in their daily routine. But AI machines can work for long hours without laziness.
- AI machines can take heavy risks besides human beings. They are programmed in such a way to accept complex tasks to perform on a high end. Humans may have some limitations of taking risks such as life risks. But, AI can take challenges as well.
- Furthermore, it helps to make faster decisions. Most business decisions need to be in action with less duration. AI can make it possible by applying different methods and techniques for decision making.
- Moreover, it also provides digital assistance to various organizations that perform very huge tasks daily. It also helps in the latest innovations that help the world to perform smoothly and fast.
It enables automation in the repetitive tasks that significantly impacts the various areas. Such as communication, transport, consumer goods, and service-based industry. Moreover, it leads to a higher rate of production and also enhances productivity. This makes the use of AI more efficiently with the use of raw material, product quality, etc. Also, it minimizes the time need in production.
Furthermore, AI helps in decision making, smart work, research and data analysis, improved customer experiences, etc. It also solves the much complex issues within the industry. Hence, in this way, the business improves to a new scale in the market with good efficiency. All this makes AI the superb one in the IT field.
Thus, the above writings explain the different types of Artificial Intelligence and their uses. This is the most emerging technology in the world. Using different types of AI features, everyone can prosper in life. Many companies in the world are still on the research of the most advanced functions of AI and their development. Furthermore, there many things to come forward with this technology. To get practical knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and its uses one can opt for Artificial Intelligence Online Training from various online sources. This learning may help to enhance skills and to get a successful career in this field.