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Post By AdminLast Updated At 2020-06-11
Factors that make kubernetes devops as a perfect match

Continuity is an important factor in DevOps. Here the term Continuity refers to either continuous Integration (or) CD. Kubernetes and DevOps seem to be inherently different in many of the cases. But when comes to reality, the combination is a perfect match to achieve CI/ CD. So today in this article, I would like to share the factors that make DevOps Kubernetes as a perfect match

But prior to knowing all those factors, let us first define those terms.


DevOps is basically a combination of two words like Development and Operations. Basically, it is a software development approach. It is responsible to achieve the initiative collaboration between the development and operations teams.

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These methodologies were designed towards the agile methodologies. Moreover, this software development combines the iterative and increment models. Hence this helps to achieve faster delivery and adaptability. Besides the DevOps core values involves prioritizing the process over others.  In simple words, the DevOps platform is responsible for streaming line the build, validation, deployment, and delivery of the pipeline. It designed principles to ensure Continuous Integration, Continuous delivery as well as Continuous deployment.

It bridges the communication gap between the different departments of the enterprise. This helps to inform the team about any issues that are unaware of any upcoming bottlenecks in the process. Also, it helps to achieve goals at the right time. A development team struggles to speed up delivery to make the product delivered. But the QA team may delay the process to verify the quality standards of the code, hence, it doesn’t release code. This might affect the productivity where DevOps comes into action.

While DevOps can address these types of challenges through process automation and cross-team alliance. 

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it is an open-source container management tool.  It takes care of software deployment and management. Here the management activities include container deployment, scaling, and load balancing. Here the smallest unit of hardware is known as Node. This node represents the single machine in the cluster. And this machine can be a physical (or) virtual machine. A group of nodes collectively known as the cluster. This cluster is responsible for sharing resources. Moreover, by scaling up the cluster you can increase the computing power. And this platform is responsible for distributing the works to the nodes at the cluster.

Since we have got a brief idea of Kubernetes and DevOps, now let's move to the actual concept.

Factors that make Kubernetes and DevOps as a perfect match:

1)Infrastructure as a Code(IaaC):

Infrastructure as a code (Iaac) is the process of managing the infrastructure in a descriptive model.

This process uses the same versioning of the source code as the DevOps team. Here the Kubernetes tool is responsible for transforming the entire infrastructure into code. For instance, this Kubernetes tool takes code from the version control(VC) repository and automatically maintains and deploys the infrastructure.

2)Configuration as a code:

Configuration of code is similar to that of Infrastructure as a code. shortly

Configuration as a Code is the migration of config files between the different cloud environments.

Kubernetes enables admins to configure as a code by enabling the file in the source code repository. Here the admin can configure where the file to go as well as control its versions.

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3)Immutable infrastructure:

One of the main characteristics of this platform is that new containers were immutable. It means new containers were often responsible to replace the unhealthy ones. Hence it fixes the problem w.r.t the original one. Therefore the immutability of the containers lets to have a clear picture of the new state.

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4)Hybrid friendly:

This platform supports developers in creating hybrid services. It does this by combining the services from the platform self-service catalog. Moreover, the platform follows open service standards. and it enables developers to expose cloud services on the internet securely.

5)Build once deploy anywhere:

This is the major advantage of running the Kubernetes on the DevOps Environment. Basically, Kubernetes enables teams to build a container image. Moreover, this feature ensures a consistent production environment. And the container will the same wherever it is deployed.

6)no downtime deployments:

This is another advantage to use DevOps in the production environment. DevOps environment typically performs several deployments in a day. It means stopping deployment is not practical. Hence you can set up the new environment. This new environment achieves rolling updates without disrupting production.

Besides running Kubernetes on the DevOps environment ensures developers keep the development agile. On the other hand, this container technology is responsible for end-end automation. It finally ensures end-to-end delivery. 

Features of Kubernetes

This platform has excellent features due to which it is most useful within large-scale enterprises to perform critical tasks. The following are the best features of Kubernetes.-

It helps to automate the manual processes and controls the container launch schedules where they are stored.

Kubernetes has a self-healing capacity due to which it regularly observes the health of various nodes, containers, etc. Moreover, if a container crashes for any reason, this platform makes replacements with the new one.

It helps to scale apps higher by allowing the team to add more containers to the process.

Also, Kubernetes easily integrates with any type of storage system as it already works with the cloud platforms. Moreover, this platform automatically adds additional storage according to app needs.

This platform has a good rollout and rollback facility for the apps. The monitoring features of this platform help to roll out apps steadily. If there any issue occurs in the application then it easily rolls back it.

Moreover, the best feature of the Kubernetes platform is that it is open-source and easily runs anywhere like both Cloud and On-Premise, hybrid, public cloud infra, etc.

Containers role in the scaling of enterprise CI/CD

A pipeline helps an organization improve its products and agility in the development process.  Hence, many of these pipelines repaired through different individual tools. Moreover, these tools need custom plugins to integrate.

Also, using containerization, DevOps teams easily break these toolchains into various microservices. Here each tool or functionality is easily isolated into different modular pieces so that can run in any environment independently. It helps the teams working on pipelines to modify the tools easily without interrupting the pipeline. 

Also, DevOps teams have the freedom to choose the tools according to their needs to scale them easily. 

There can be different types of challenges to manage for too many containers. Here the teams require containers but also need a Kubernetes-like platform to run these containers.

Kubernetes best practices

DevOps is much useful in developing software for many companies in a long way. Since platforms like Docker and Kubernetes also helped in this regard deliver software at a faster rate. The Kubernetes platform has much popularity due to the heavy usage of containers to develop and transfer software easily. Therefore, its excellent features like scaling support, automatic roll out and roll back, zero-downtime, etc, make it much powerful. 

Hence, many companies today want to use Kubernetes in production. Thus, it is required to give priority to some best practices of this platform. 

However, there are some best practices of this platform in production. 

This platform has a steep learning curve as it is enriched with great features and capabilities. Hence, production ops need to carry out with great care and priority. It may carry out by either in-house talent or the outsource service provider. In this regard, it needs to understand & apply the best practices such as monitoring, logging, cluster observation, and security settings. 

Although, containerization and micro-services under this platform provide great benefits but also bring security challenges. Hence, Kubernetes’ strategy development is very important that applies best practices across security, monitoring, networking, storage, & container lifecycle management, etc.

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Autoscaling ability

This platform also has an auto-scaling ability for various deployments. There are three different types of auto-scaling capabilities- Horizontal pod auto scaler, Vertical pod auto scaler, and cluster autoscaling. 

Horizontal pod auto scaler helps in auto-scaling the number of pods within the deployment, and a replica set, etc. 

The vertical pod autoscaling suggests to users the best suitable values required to set for CPU and memory requests and limits. Also, it updates the values automatically without errors.

The last one helps to enhance and shrink the size of the pool of worker nodes. It adjusts the cluster according to the use. 

Other than the above there are many useful best practices of this platform. Such as-

Resource management, resource utilization, enable RBAC, cluster provisioning and load balancing, etc. Also, it includes set network policies, stateless apps, runtime source control, etc. There are continuous learning, zero downtime, and data recoveries, which also exist within the best practices. 


Thus, the above discussion ends here and I hope you got the idea that how Kubernetes DevOps can match various factors. To make yourself perfectly aware of DevOps, then go through the DevOps Online Course with the ITGuru platform. This real-time program can give you more knowledge on this tool. 

And likewise, there are several other factors, to say Kubernetes and DevOps were the perfect matches. And I hope you have got enough ideas on this combination. Follow this blog for more combinations in IT environments.