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Post By AdminLast Updated At 2020-06-11
Secrets behind Selenium and Jenkins

Jenkins has become popular for a few years. It is called as the best open-source tool and allows Non-stop Integration Design management. But if we get the target that we can sit backside and see how each open Design is being tested by automated practices. Some work is required to Design total Architecture. For this, we have to learn how to set up a starting Framework with the same tools. In these tools, some tools are already Implemented in the Work for designing the app Test Process. We can take Jenkins selenium plugin.Secrets behind Selenium and Jenkins | OnlineITGuru

Know more Secrets behind selenium and Jenkins by Selenium online training

1.Secrets Behind Selenium and Jenkins:

Jenkins provides so many Plugins, Integrations, Node Distributions for the parallel process of testing and Post Design Actions. Keep in point that combining tools today to design total Architecture is a personal option.

We go to these tools because of their beautiful Management and Installation Process. The Best thing preferred to take into a point is to verify, the tools used in Project and try to point them for the automated test process. These tools are already Implemented by your team, so working with this type of tool is so easy.

2.Selenium and Jenkins:

For instance, we can take Automated testing by Implementing the Selenium web driver, Jenkins, and allure. If we want to Design automated testing in Nonstop Integration Design, with the point of Designing, Continuos test flow. You have to believe in yourself with a sequel of testing and automation.

Here we can see how we can combine, and make use of these tools to process and automate testing. Before we go into the point, you should know how to work with unit tests and programming languages. 

There are so many tools and tactics that are implemented in the CI environment. In Blaze meter, we make use of selenium Web Driver Python and we have to do Integration with Jenkins. The testing framework we work with PyTest that Designs. It is Easy to Code small tests. Yet we have measures to prefer complicated functional testing for libraries and apps. Jenkins run selenium tests on a remote server.

3.Designing Environment:

If we want to Design Environment for testing, you should perform this. By Selecting your web browser, we will target on chrome Driver as recognition of base. We have so many desktop browsers in the market like Phantom JS, opera Driver, safari Driver, Internet Explorer Driver, Firefox Driver. Select your Programming language & IDE. The tools we have to use in addition to Jenkins is Maven, Junit, and selenium, Web driver.


You can see in the Diagram when Jenkins Design opened, maven will get the latest code modifications and trends the packages and operates the Design. One of the Design targets is to operate the automated tests and that will be Implemented by maven sure-fire Plugin.

The Plugin shows you Junit to operate all the tests in the project, that has a picture @test. Once the test process found, the selenium web driver operates in to play. It starts in a new browser example and operates the automated user Interface test. At the end of the Design, a Default Result come by Jenkins with the output of the tests. If we have at least a single failed test, the Design pointed as failed. 

Let us see that, Jenkins, mavens and selenium server already Installed to Increase speed. If you want to know that Installing any one of these Tools. We have to check it. This helps Independent OS Operated in your machine. These are the Secrets behind Selenium and Jenkins, in upcoming blogs, we will update more data on this Topic.