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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
What is Azure?

Hi, I think you heard about “Azure cloud”? yes, today we are going to Discuss it. By the end of this what is Azure, you will get to know complete details about “Microsoft cloud”.

Generally this blog is the first blog of “Azure Tutorial” blog series. In this blog, we will discuss the below topics.

  • Who are the cloud service Providers?
  • Market Share of Azure Cloud?
  • What is Azure?
  • Designing Applications?
  • How can we sign-up?

Now we will, discuss cloud service Providers, further the cloud service is produced by many companies. These are known as Cloud Providers. Amazon, Google cloud platform, Joyent, Terremark, Microsoft Azure. In this Amazon is the biggest cloud provider, among all of them. You might think why I have to learn Azure.

Nice! Question, if AWS goes down in business, what you will do. A company should stand like that in any situation. You and I know that Azure is the second big cloud provider.

What is Azure?

By the same token Microsoft Azure is designed by Microsoft, by this, the developers can design and move their applications in the cloud. You can see how an azure dashboard looks like. On the left corner, you can see listed resources that divided into the following.

Types of Service Domains in Azure

It is implemented to process the data on the cloud by designing, high-end processors, for performing many examples at a single time equally on Azure portal.

  • Cloud services
  • Service Fabric
  • Batch
  • Functions and management
  • Container Registration
  • Azure containers
  • VM scale sets
  • Virtual Machines

How many Storage services

Table storage and memories.

File storage and data.

Queue storage with cloud

Blob storage with the administration

Data Base

The Database Domain is implemented to offer quality relational and non-relational database examples that handled by the azure window.

Redis cache

Document Db

SQL databases and servers


Express Route process

Traffic manager profile

VPN gateway

Content delivering networks and operations

Azure DNS

Developing Tools

It contains services that offer services that, simply have an option to script for an organization. For instance, it simplifies the groups, to share the code and trace the work and move software in the Azure cloud.

API management and Services Application Insights and Progress.

Visual Studio Team Services.

Handling and checking system

As matter of fact, it contains services that used to manage and check your azure examples.

Automation and managers

Microsoft Azure Portal

Azure Resource Manager

Enterprise Integration

Services that will provide, functions like integrating the total enterprise cloud.

SQL Server Database and Installations

Service bus and architecture.

Identity and Security

On the other hand, it contains some services like a limited, set of access and few audiences on your Azure resources.

Multi-factor Authentication

Domain Services


Active Directories

Azure key vault.

Azure Web and Mobile applications

These are mainly implemented to design web apps for any Device and any platform in Azure cloud services.

Azure search engine

Event wings

Alerts and notifications.

Logical applications

API management and applications.

Mobile operations and Mobile applications

Web applications

How to Design your first Azure Application

Especially in first, you have to analyse your application. It is something that it requires you to know about the architecture. Something needs to know about Database. On the other hand it, requires something checking or monitoring.

After knowing everything about your application, furthermore start selecting a domain and service.

Moreover if you want to move a section, this service knows as a web application. At any rate your application and Azure do not require rest of yours and it is best.

Not to mention there is a proverb, says that practice makes man perfect. Without practice, we cannot master free tier option.

Is Azure free tier is available for you and me?

Consequently every user from anywhere or any time can join in Azure. In other words, it is a free trial for students and developers.

How this free trial is helpful for us?

You start developing applications in Azure. Previously we have seen the more you learn, the more you know about what is azure.

Learn for free! Many developer options available in the free tier. Alternatively you can see our Azure Pricing in our Azure tutorial.

How can you sign-up in Azure?

Step 1: click on this link https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/free/

Step2: click on create a new account

Step3: follow the steps

Consequently type your email ID

Type your password

Similarly Click on create an account

Step 4: In the upcoming page you can do the below.

Type the verification code that sent to your email address

After that click on verify

Step 5: Hence On the next page work with below steps

Type your mobile number

Type the access code that got a notification to your mobile

Finally click on next.

Step 6:

Eventually you will get 13,300 rupees as free credits.

Enter your name and email ID

Type your mobile number, your company name and at last click on next tab.

Step 7:

Enter the phone number

Click on send a text message.

Step 8: In this page, you have to enter your credit details. After entering click the next button.

Step 9: click on agree on conditions and finally click on sign up.

Step 10: This is the best step, you will get an Azure subscription. For this reason you can see your own Microsoft Dashboard. To get in-depth knowledge on Azure, you can enroll for live azure certification by OnlineITGuru with 24/7 support and lifetime access.


This is all about, Azure and end of Azure signing process in “what is Azure Blog”. Particularly, after your signing is complete, you can practice Azure with many free credit options.I think you are enjoying this blog and am happy with that. Now you are not fresher to Azure. The more you practice the more you will learn about it. Speaking about easy learning, we have a beneficiary that is Azure Tutorial. Every Azure blog is updated soon.