Before going to know about Elastic Load Balancing, let us have a brief introduction to AWS
Introduction to AWS
AWS provides delivery as soon as IT resources through internet services on a reliable cloud services platforms, they offer you the computing, content delivery, database, storage, mobile application development, Big Data, Analytics, Data Science, DevOps-- what not? anything that you have IT today they can deliver all of those services to the customers. So that’s your asset AWS provides on-demand delivery of IT resources. Then why internet connection plays a major role in AWS?
As we know AWS gives a highly genuine, scalable (able to be changed the size or scale), low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud it manages hundreds of thousands of organizations in 190 countries across the world. In spite of Google, Azure and the other cloud set into the market AWS have got the strong route, AWS product development was started in 2006, 12 years that they have been into the business that they have very strong product route map and strategy and customers connect and they understand customer needs.
Since inception AWS has:
Received 1111 new features and 78 major services. AWS announced 48 price reduction, why because the reason is 1 million customers across 190 countries use AWS those customers are different backgrounds they have customers 900+ from government agencies, educational institutions, health organizations, startup companies, banking sectors and big multinational companies so their target is to bring AWS services to everybody use and AWS is not just for big multinational companies, it is for everybody. There are making the web services affordable everybody.
Elastic Load Balancings
Basically, ELB is nothing but when application traffic comes ELB receives those traffic in single URL IP and automatically distributes those traffic across multiple instants. These instants can be spread across multiple availability zones. ELB highly available in the same region, it cannot set the traffic to multiple regions. It can design only for a particular region. Elastic Load Balancer is itself designed, highly available by the Amazon web services because of its runs multiple applications.
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Elastic Load Balancer distributes information in a single point of contact for clients. In Elastic Loading, without changing the overall flow of request in your application you can add or remove you load balancers as your requirement
Features of ELB
It can support three types of load balancers. Based on your application need you can select the load balancer. The three types load balancers are
Application Load Balancer :
The load balancer shares incoming application traffic across multiple targets in different availability zones. It increases the availability of your application. To your load balancer, you can add more listeners. By using protocol and pro listeners identify the connection request from the client and based on the rules listeners can forward the requests to more target groups. Equally Important Each rule describes a target group, condition, and priority. When the condition meets the traffic goes to the target group. You must explain a default rule for every listener and add rules that indicate different targets based on the content.

Moreover Network Load Balancer can handle millions of requests per second. For the default rule, it chooses a target from the target group this will done after the load balancer receives a connection request. In particular If you enable the cross-zone load balancing, each and every balance supplies traffic around the registered target in all Availability enable zones. Furthermore Automatically, every load balancer node supplies traffic across the registered targets in our zones only.
Classic Load Balancer:
To guarantee that your registered instances are kept handle the request load in each and every zone. At the same time One thing we remember to keep approximately the equal number of instances in each and every Availability zone registered with the load balance

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Prerequisite for learning AWS. It’s good to have knowledge of basic Concepts. But it is not mandatory. Trainers of OnlineITGuru will teach you if you don’t have knowledge of those Concepts.
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