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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
What is TestNG in Selenium?

TestNG is Automation Testing Framework, Where NG is known as “Next Generation “.TestNG is Derived from Junit, uses Annotations (@). If we Use TestNG, we will get Proper output. We can simply find out, how many test cases have been passes and failed. You have an option to execute test case separately. In case if you are having five test cases.  When you execute this program first three will be in progress by with out any Interruption. And the fourth method is failed. Then we have modify the errors in the fourth method. After modifying fourth method , first three method are Implemented already. The process is not possible, if we won’t use TestNG. In the First place It explains the Importance of What is TestNG in Selenium.

What is TestNG in Selenium:-

TestNG gives a Choice, it is XML file located in Test output folder. If you Implement only failed test cases. You will run this XML file. It executes failed Test Cases. In the upcoming point you will know more on TestNG. Like what are Benefits of selenium online training. How to Implement test Methods by @test annotations. How we have to change, classes into testing suite and outcomes with Eclipse. As well as with Commands.

Use TestNG with Selenium:-

Comparatively,In Built Selenium Test, do not produce a good format for tests outputs. If we use TestNG we can produce more  test many users of selenium will use TestNG rather than Junit. We have so many features in TestNG. But we have to concentrate on Important topics. In same Fashion it, is obtained in What is TestNG in Selenium.

Core Features of TestNG in Selenium:-

1)Additionally,Produce Output Report in Proper method , including the count of Test Cases. Like how many cases passed and how many cases failed, how many cases skipped.

2) so many test cases can be Implemented in Multiple ways by changing them in to  testing.xml file. In that you can produce preferences, that test case executed in first part.

3)Similarly,this test Case is executed so many times without loops. That is  done by “Invocation Count”.

4) By this you Run multiple test cases in  multiple Browsers , it is Known as Cross Browsers.

5)By Testing we simply execute test Cases in Multiple browsers. That is known as Cross Browser Testing.

6) correspondingly ,Integration of Testing framework can be done by tools like Jenkins, maven.

7)In testing  we use testng annotations like @before-method,@Before-test,@After-method , this annotations are easy to understand.

8)Comparatively,TestNG make easy in the Direction tests coded. The list of works is started by understand to easy annotations. This Doesn’t Require way to be static. m. 9)Unknown Errors are Verified by TestNG. And TestNG never End the Test Process. This Errors are termed as Failed Errors in the Report. Correspondingly all the above steps will explain about features of TestNG in Selenium.


Benefits off TestNG over Junit:-

1)Annotations can understand in a Easy way .

2)Test Cases can be Combined Easily.

3)Testing in Parallel  way is possible.

The below Diagram explains testng annotations in selenium web driver exampleWhat is TestNG in Selenium

Annotations in TestNG code lines will control how the process below them will executed. They always started with @symbol.  The example shown above.

Correspondingly,Annotations can be discussed in upcoming Sections like “ Annotations in TestNG”. We have seen that Coding in TestNG is better than Junit. As a matter of fact it is Included in What is TestNG in Selenium.

similarly,Junit contains some limits, so that TestNG has in context. TestNG was implemented by a Programmer called as Cedric Beust. TestNG is a open source Frame work, which is Promoted under Apache software license it is available for Download also.

In the same way ,Coming to our Discussion, we are Introducing TestNG with WebDriver. It give effective test Result Format. it will be shared with stakeholders. TestNG contains in built Mechanism. It allows the program to operate not exiting unwanted. Comparatively all the above concepts in depth explaining about What is TestNG in Selenium.

Recommended Audience :

Software developers

System Admins

Project  Managers

Team Leaders


There is nothing prerequisite required for take Selenium online course. rather than It is better to have analytical knowledge. Good to know programming languages like Java, C#,  PERL and one database like MySQL. But not Mandatory. finally In OnlineITGuru Trainers will teach you from the basics. furthermore They will teach in a practical way by performing in selenium tool.