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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-11-13
How Big Data impacts mobile app development?

Today the world is digitally connected to everyone across the globe and still on the move. The smartphone users are growing faster and it is expected that this growth will be around 4 billion approx. by the year 2021. Due to this many apps are developing and the data is also growing faster. The data is kept on growing every second with the latest developments. This indicates a rise in Big Data and this can help the developers to improve ROI on mobile app development.

To improve efficiency in mobile app development, data analytics will clearly help. People are more intelligent now to use the latest tech trends.

Today, data is huge in size and every day some millions of data in megabytes are transmitting between the users and businesses. This data helps developers to build more intuitive and innovative mobile apps to engage more users. Hence, big data analysis helps developers to know about the customer’s behavior using mobile apps. This large data helps them to collect, arrange, and estimate different data sets to make an engaging app.

The use of smartphones and other smart devices changes the way people living across boundaries. Today, a normal person successfully runs his business using a mobile app only. He is controlling everything by sitting in one place where the apps with high-end technology are driving. Thus, big data analytics works smartly in these apps to provide valuable metrics that a person needs.

Hence, these data analytics are much useful for today’s companies to assess customer/user thoughts daily.

In this blog, we will try to know how Big Data impacts mobile app development in the real world. Before we dive into deep, we will know about “Big Data” in brief.

Big Data and mobile app development

What is Big Data concept?

Big Data is nothing but large size of data that grows very fast and ever-increasing at a high rate. The term refers to dealing with a large amount of data that is complex to store using traditional data process apps. Moreover, this data helps companies to make many crucial and strategic business decisions.

In mobile app development, this tech plays an important role as it outlines the complete details of user behavior. Besides, it helps developers to focus on the various points to include while developing an app.

The drastic growth in mobile users and the data they are generating every moment has given chance to Big Data developers. This helps them to provide them better UX.

Get more insights by going through the Big Data Online Course at the OnlineITGuru portal. Also, get live training experience from industry experts on this platform.

Furthermore, it assists large companies to provide data-driven insights from app users. There are many Big Data tools like Spark, Hadoop, Hive, etc. that developers use in their developments. These tools are useful for developers to build the latest and trending mobile apps adding new features.

Use of Big Data in mobile business

The extensive user base produces large amounts of raw data on a daily basis. To handle such type of data, it needs high-level analytics to bring down the amount and build some valuable insights. In this regard, Big Data helps very much. Moreover, developers can make max use of Big Data insights to develop many innovative mobile apps for users.

Due to the increase in social media platforms, the data becomes more innovative and large. Besides, many financial and payment apps help users to do online transactions at their fingertips. These apps also include a lot of data that users generate while transacting. Thus, it is clear that mobile app development is fuelling the big data to bring in more extensive innovations.

As the mobile apps market is growing upwards, the utilization of Data analytics is also increasing rapidly. The ultimate fate of mobile app development will depend upon Big Data analytics, devices, and advances.

Big Data and mobile app development

The impact of Big Data on mobile apps and their development is very much in today’s era. This platform brings new changes in the mobile app industry with technology trends and customer or user behavior analysis. Let us see how big data augment mobile app development in order to make it successful.

Developing customer-driven mobile apps

To get the initial success of any specific mobile app, there are some points to keep in mind. Such as it should be easy to use, have an eye-catching/attractive look, easy to use interface, bug-free, etc. Hence, these things are crucial for the best outcome of any app usage. Moreover, it depends on the customer experience. This technology provides the best analysis report on customer experience and behavior in using any app.

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Thus, by keeping an eye on customer needs, mobile app developers are able to design better mobile apps. These mobile apps will provide a user-based approach and better experience too.

Big Data analytics provides business owners to create trending mobile apps with the latest ideas to offer the best service. Besides, they can also build various solutions for the existing apps so that they add more customers to the database. Furthermore, by developing customer-driven mobile apps, companies can generate better revenue and reputation in the market.

More personal marketing campaigns

Big Data plays an important role in deciding the existing and latest market trends while developing new app ideas. After the generation of an idea only, a better mobile app design comes out into the market. Moreover, big data analytics made the process simple for the developers to delete and store the open-source code. By this change, the time for coding is minimized for the developers with lowered costs.

Big Data includes a number of smart marketing tools using which businesses can build target audience lists and attract traffic. Moreover, it includes a Predictive analysis approach that helps companies to forecast the long term use of mobile apps. To make it a success, they can also take some important steps to enhance efficiency. Additionally, there are services of this technology like data mitigation. This allows mobile app development entities to manage different channels for quick data transfer. It makes data to connect between different apps smoothly.

User Experience Analytics

For the success of a mobile app in the competitive market, analyzing UX or user experience is very important. The huge data helps to study the critical behavior of the users focusing on the core features and functions of any mobile app. Moreover, user behavior allows mobile app developers to use this info in building useful apps.

It also enables the app developers to check whether the user goes through any issues in the app. And they can make some upgrades to the product. All these functions result in a better end-user experience. A recent survey says that it takes on an average time of 5 months to develop an app. It also includes the cost and time spent on development. Moreover, it needs gathering a huge amount of data like customer location, banking & payment, and usage data. This data is used by Big Data to offer smooth functioning of apps as a result.

Real-time data

Due to the rapidly changing trends, the choices for the customers, user preferences, client’s needs, etc. may also change. To stay ahead in this competition, it becomes crucial for companies to be aware of changing patterns and trends. This technology allows getting real-time data to make advances to any app. With this data gathered, companies can make informed decisions regarding app advances and sales conversions.

For example, a lifestyle or fitness app takes details of the users like eating, sleeping time, and other patterns, etc. This data allows app developers to make more user-centric mobile apps to allow users to build a better lifestyle. Moreover, doctors and healthcare providers can also use this info to locate any health issues of the user and act accordingly. Further, it is also useful for advertisers to follow the changing market patterns to do more advances in campaigns.

Sales Conversions

The mobile apps are built with the intention not only to provide a better user experience to the users but to generate good revenue too. Big Data is not only limited to gather the local data from the app users but also improves the business revenue. Therefore, business enterprises can install a number of products easily that are launched in other states or countries. This makes the reach worldwide.

Besides, by activating the in-app purchase option, users can monetize their products to earn revenue through it. For this, it is necessary to study the buying trends and behavior of the target people. There are many other elements of Big Data that enable the edge computing systems to study the source data closely. It also minimizes the cost of data transfer and the distance of travel data. The technology also allows business units globally to design independent app settings based on user needs.

Finally, this inspires user engagement and enhances app performance too. With this, companies can make good revenue from the apps.

The new trend of marketing

Big Data helps in changing the way of knowledge-based mobile app design, where product marketers try to locate links between an email platform and a mobile app. The abilities of mobile apps to use data analytics are necessary for companies that are focusing users on a professional level. Business analysis of operations, activities, and marketing strategies is also beneficial for the entities.

Big Data for android app development

There is a belief among the experts in the industry that soon Big Data and analytics will affect the Java platforms. This is to become number one for mobile app development tools. For Android app developers, there are numerous data available. Due to the open-source availability of many tools, it became easier for many developers to bring new changes in apps. Besides, the days are near that this technology will benefit the app developers.

All we know is that Java is the popular pro-language for Android mobile application development. There is a lot to learn for the young app developers in the usage of codes in Java for mobile applications. Thus, it attracts more people to learn coding to build designer applications with simple usage.

There is no doubt that Java will be the future of Big Data and analytics for app development and many things yet to come.

Social Media Analytics

Using this technology analytics, companies can locate citations of their products on various social media websites. These citations may be in the form of reviews and suggestions from customers, complaints regarding products and performance, images, videos, etc. Therefore, companies use social media platforms to get customer insights and reply to them in a positive way.

By knowing customer behavior on social media and their interactions with company pages, businesses can find better product selling ideas.

Improves overall app performance

Big data uses the app info to get the traffic details that come daily to the app through different sources. This allows the companies and developers to look after the user’s engagement, behavior, etc to make changes in the app. Thus, it improves the overall app performance and speeds up data delivery on time.

Big Data for future app market

It is expected that the mobile app market may cross $100 billion by the fiscal year 2020-2021. This figure is due to the increase in the number of smartphones, android mobile, and tablet users. These devices have changed the way of living and doing business too in the current era. Moreover, mobile apps are much easier to use than critical computer software. Due to the advanced features and simple performance of the apps, many users prefer them to use. Even business people also figure out their daily needs through mobile apps only.

With the user’s interest in app usage, big companies are focusing on analyzing large Data. This is the most efficient way to get more information that makes businesses invest more and gain more. Thus, we can say that Big Data is crucial for future mobile app development. Moreover, these mobile apps give a better user experience to the users and some good memories to save.

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There are some top brands/companies that use this technology in their high-end operations. Such as Amazon, Uber, and many more companies. They use data analytics tools for different purposes like verifying product review time, checking traffic conditions in real-time for taxi users, etc. They also make sufficient use of data to give a better user experience.


So, we have gone through the Big Data technology impacts on mobile app development and its benefits.  This technology has a great effect on mobile app developers with its vast research area. Mobile apps are rapidly changing with the changing trends, users’ behavior, and client needs. With the ease of use and advanced performance features the apps are becoming more popular in the market. It makes the app developers work hard to build a unique and intuitive mobile app. 

Big Data in this regard, provides a wide range of information to developers and companies. Moreover, it gathers all info of user behavior so that app developers can make changes accordingly. Know more about Big Data concepts at Big Data Online Training with experts at IT Guru.