Today Data plays a major role in every corner of the IT industry. Hence we need a place to store the data in a secure place for further utilization. Today, there are many databases for us to store the data. One of them is MongoDB. This MongoDB is the document database. This database is capable of storing a high volume of data. Moreover, when compared to the other databases, this database comes under the No-SQL database. This stores the data in a document-oriented format. This database today has many features. One of them is Mongo DB Atlas. Hence today in this article, I'm going to explain to you the overview of the Mongo DB atlas. Hence we initially start
What is Mongo DB Atlas?
Mongo DB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database developed by the Mongo DB Team. This handles the complexity of deploying, managing, and heal your deployments on the cloud service. Developers, deploy and scale the MongoDB cluster in just a few clicks. This MongoDB Atlas is a global cloud database service built and run by the Monggo DB team. Hence the developers with the utilization of MongoDB deploy atlas can enjoy the scalability and flexibility of the database.
And this MongoDB atlas is capable of MongoDB cluster hosting, managing, patching as well as security management. Moreover, this Mongo DB Atlas is capable of creating and installing the MongoDB cluster easily. Developers can run the cluster in a short span of time, soon after the creation of the cluster. Moreover the user creation and allocation the permission is easy. This can be done through Nice UI. Moreover, this Atlas also capable of handling your cluster with growing/shrinking. Besides this Mongdo DB Atlas is capable of patching/ upgrading your MongoDB Cluster, when the new version is released.
The Mongo DB Atlas application process in the real-time industry is shown in the following diagram
Why MongoDB Atlas is Needed?
Mongo DB Atlas takes the responsibility for the boring stuff like running the Mongo DB clusters. This Mongo DB Atlas is capable of checking the data(or) app status. Hence the Mongo DB developers will take care of checking the status. So today people who were using MongoDB now using MongoDB atlas to get rid of these boring tasks.
When should you use MongoDB Atlas?
This Mongo DB Atlas is available to users in various prices at different sizes. Moreover, it allows the developer with the flexibility to keep the database changing w.r.t the time. i.e. developers can increase/ decrease the storage capacity. Moreover, there are three MongoDB Atlas Tiers. They are:
a)Shared Clusters:
Shared Clusters are the cheapest as well the smallest clusters that suit best for the starters. They are the clusters of MongoDB instances that were shared with other Mongo DB Developers. Here, in this cluster, you can receive your own slice. But one drawback of this feature is only a few features were available. For example VPV Peering.
b)Dedicated Development Cluster:
This Cluster size suits best for the new application, where there is some serious development. Besides, it is the cheapest standalone sizing of the MongoDB clusters. The developer prefers this kind of cluster where it requires a bunch of traffic. Besides this cluster contains some major features that are important for development.
c)Dedicated production Servers:
These are the best server for the larger applications. These are the standalone clusters with plenty of resources. And this server makes sure that the MongoDB Component of the application runs smoothly. Moreover, this server has plenty of resources that are hidden.
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When you should not use Mongo DB Atlas?
Developers should not use the Mongo DB Atlas in the following cases:
a) Where the application runs only on the local premises. i.e these applications were incapable of running on the third-party cloud providers.
b)Where the application requires the large storage power but less query power
c)Different situations like privacy/ compliance issues
d) Application where it does not have internet access.
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How do applications perform in MongoDB:
When compared to MongoDB, the Application performs well in MongoDB Atlas. Moreover, their flexibility can co-related with any Cloud provider like AWS. Moreover, with MongoDB, there will be no network latency. Besides, MongoDB Atlas ensures that ports are listing all the time. Besides this MongoDB Atlas also provides the performance Adviser. This performance Adviser provides a way to improve your application performance. Besides, it triggers a bunch of box alerts. And these alerts do trigger in case of poor performance. And it provides a great way to get MongoDB running all the time. Moreover, the developer suggests that this MongoDB Atlas suits 99% of the day-to-day use cases.
What are the security requirement to install MongoDB Atlas?
The developer must ensure that your application can reach your application environment. And to ensure connectivity with MongoDB Atlas, the developer must whitelist your inbound network access from the application environment to the MongoDB Atlas. And if your firewall blocks your outbound network connections, you must also open the outbound access from your application environment to the Mongo DB Atlas. Moreover, you people must also configure your firewall to allows your applications and to make the outbound connections to the ports 27015 to 27017. Besides this connection grants access to the databases stored on Atlas.
Besides, this offers the following optional security features:
Optional Security features:
This Mongo DB atlas platform allows you to configure the following Security Features:
a)Custom Roles:
Atlas support creating the custom roles in the cases. On the other hand, inbuilt MongoDB Atlas, database user privileges don't let the user set their own privileges.
b)VPC Peering:
This Mongo DB Atlas is capable of peering with the various cloud computing services. This includes AWS, Azure(or) GCP VCP. Moreover, to use the GCP VCP you must set up the network peering connection.
c)Private Endpoints:
MongoDB Atlas supports the private endpoint on AWS. It supports using AWS private Link feature. Like peering, you need to manually set up the private Endpoints.
d)Two Factor Authentication:
This platform support Two Factor Authentication. This helps users control access to the Mongo DB Accounts from unauthorized people. And you people can set this using LDAP
e)DataBase Auditing:
This Atlas system supports the auditing of all system event actions. Hence the developer must set up the concept of Data Base auditing
f)MongoDB support Restriction:
In order to stop unauthorized access, this MongoDB Atlas platform also supports restrictions. This platform allows the organization owners to restrict the MongoDB production support team to access the backend infrastructure. Moreover, at the Atlas Cluster level, organizations can bypass the access restriction for about 24 hours.
g)Access tracking:
MongoDB Atlas Surfaces were capable of surfacing the authentication logs in UI. Hence with this, the developers can easily review the successful as well as the unsuccessful attempts. And this authentication is done against the clusters.
MongoDB Atlas advantages
There are many advantages of the MongoDB atlas platform. The following points present the various benefits of using Mongo DB Atlas.
World-class clusters for global applications:
By using Mongo DB Atlas, users can freely select their cloud partner and the environment that fits their business strategy.
Sensitive data security:
Mongo DB Atlas offers built-in security controls for all user critical data. Moreover, it allows enterprise-grade features to combine with their current security protocols and standards of compliance.
Designed for developer efficiency:
Mongo DB Atlas navigates faster with the usual tools to work with user data and a platform of various services. This makes the platform easy to create, secure, and enhance apps that run on the Mongo DB platform.
Mission-critical workload reliability:
This platform is built with allocated fault tolerance and an automated data recovery system. Hence, this feature makes it more reliable.
Built for optimal performance:
This platform helps to scale user databases easily in any direction. Moreover, they can get more out of their current resources with performance optimization tools. Also, they will get real-time visibility into database metrics using it.
Managed for operational efficiency:
Mongo DB platform comes with many in-built operational best practices. So, users can concentrate on delivering more business value and faster app development well. All this performed instead of managing databases.
Mongo DB atlas integrates the complex capabilities of relational databases (RDBMS) along with the latest changes of NoSQL. Moreover, it fully simplifies the development and operational needs by delivering world-class capacities. That too within a single database manageable platform.
In case of any problem exists with the lying infrastructure, then Mongo DB atlas directly connects with the cloud vendors for resolving. Moreover, there is strong community support that looks after the bugs that occur in the application. Also, there is an option for the users to get a subscription to the MongoDB atlas expert support for resolving issues.
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The platform MongoDB atlas grows usually as others simply with a click of a button. Thus, users can scale it across different types of instances and also scale it up using MongoDB atlas’ automated sharding. Moreover, there is a zero app downtime feature that helps it to scale higher. Using this sharding technique, it horizontally scales-out the databases. Moreover, through the automatic balancing method, it ensures that data is equally shared across shards with the growing data volumes. Hence, shards are the different Replica sets where data is distributed.
Furthermore, there are three types of sharding policies available with MongoDB Atlas. It allows the admin to lodge different query patterns. These sharding types are;
Range-based sharding
Hash-based sharding
Range-based sharding:
In this type of sharding, the documents are allocated across shards based on the shard key value. Also, the documents with shard key values are close to each other and maybe co-located on the same shard. This platform provides the guarantee of constant allocation of writes throughout shards.
Hash-based sharding
Here also, the documents are constantly allocated to an MD5 hash of the shard key value. Similar to the previous sharding process, the docs with shard key values remain close to each other and also co-located on the same shard.
MongoDB zones enable precise control over the stored physical data. Also, it lodges a different range of deployment plots.
High availability
Mongo DB atlas platform offers exceptional uptime with its high availability. It is fully automated with transparently recovers data from the instance failures. Hence, the data is replicated three times and backed up across the availability zones.
In case of any failure in the Mongo DB Atlas cluster, there is an automatic failover system with a self-healing process. Also, the replica sets recover all the major data processed through the Mongo DB Atlas platform.
High Performance
Mongo DB Atlas platform offers high-performance with low latency time for most workloads. The regular and forecasting performance approach avoids the need for individual caching tiers. Moreover, it delivers a far better performance comparatively other conventional database software.
All this makes the sense that it’s better to move to the cloud-native database like Mongo DB Atlas instead of using traditional databases. It is useful in building dynamic apps and also good for cloud storage that saves physical storage space. Thus, cloud infra allows most IT giants to move to the virtual databases from legacy systems. Mongo DB Atlas is one of these features of cloud platforms.
Hence likewise, there are many optional Security features in the MongoDB Atlas platform. And the developer can utilize these features on different real-time projects in various scenarios as per the client requirement. As said earlier, as per the recent statistics, many Mongo DB developers today were migrated to Mongo DB Atlas. This is due to the great MongoDB Atlas features. So till now, I hope you people have got a theoretical idea on MongoDB Atlas. And you get the practical knowledge of this concept from OnlineITGuru Live experts at MongoDB Course.