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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2023-02-24
Data Mobility: Why it’s a Must and How to Achieve It

Many things don't happen unless people make them happen, according to a proverb. Yet, the context of a person's actions can be greatly influenced by their location and timing. So, having mobility data is crucial when creating a geospatial data ecosystem. But what precisely is mobility data? What source does it have? Why is having it advantageous? And for what kinds of purposes may you use it? We will respond to each of these queries. We'll begin by defining mobility data and outlining how it fits into bigger geospatial and big data systems.

What is meant by mobility data?

An aggregated, anonymous measurement of people's movements near points of interest (POIs) or neighborhoods is known as mobility data in a geographical setting (i.e. census block groups or dissemination areas). Where people come from, how long they remain, and where they go thereafter can all be factors.

Footfall data or foot traffic data are other names for social mobility data. It can be gathered manually, via GPS signals, WiFi network connections, mobile beacons, and more. Before collecting and converting user data into anonymous geographical data, apps frequently ask users if they agree to the sharing of their mobility data.

It's vital to clarify that the collection of mobility data does not include the surveillance of specific individuals or their activities due to privacy concerns. Instead, it merely involves recording anonymously the number of devices that enter the vicinity of a point of attraction or another region, their entry time, and their duration of stay.

What are the benefits of mobility?

Exploration and management of data while moving about have many benefits. Here are a few of the most important advantages:

  • Provide other statistics with a human context: If you don't know whether or not people are going there, knowing where something is and how it appears might not be all that useful. You can respond to – or even forecast – where individuals go and what they might do once they are thereby knowing where they are actively using human mobility data.
  • Quickly gain insights: Every day, there are new sources of mobility data, and the data is also gathered and processed quite quickly. As a result, you may do analysis using it without having to wait for official documents that might take much longer to produce.
  •  Track consumer behavior over time: As mobility data is created so frequently, it also provides more detailed insights into consumer behavior over time. If you have access to enough data, you can see trends in where people tend to go at particular times of the day, on particular days of the week, during particular seasons, or on particular holidays.

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Use cases of Mobility Data:

The most effective use of mobility datasets is in combination with other datasets (geospatial or otherwise). These are some illustrations of what may be done with global mobility data when it is utilized as a component of a wider data ecosystem.

1. Trade area analysis

Trade area analysis helps identify the different business opportunities in a given region as well as any potential rivals or complementary industries. This is where POI information on what enterprises currently have a presence in a region might be used combined with data on people mobility.

For instance, it may be a hint that a more convenient version of a similar service is needed in the area if customers must go a considerable distance to use a particular sort of store or access a particular service. Alternatively, the movement of people within or outside of a region may indicate that customers favour (or avoid) particular types of enterprises over others. If a customer already has what they need, there may be complimentary businesses nearby or rival businesses that they are passing by (or possibly patronising if they couldn't find what they were looking for at establishments they have already visited).

2. Retail site selection

As a business owner, you often desire to relocate your store(s) to busy regions. In this manner, your company is exposed to more potential clients (though not necessarily if there are too many established competitors already in the area, which is why you should do a trade area analysis first).

On the other hand, if you see that a certain neighborhood where one of your stores is situated isn't getting as much foot traffic as it once did, it might be time to close down and/or relocate. To determine whether it is spending more than it is earning, you can make that choice in conjunction with POI data on that specific store.

3. Location-based marketing

Even if a company is unable to locate its store in a busy area, it may still be able to attract more customers by placing advertisements there. People will then be aware of where to go if they are unable to find what they need at the shops in the busy area.

Of course, to determine what advertising space is offered locally, the business will also need to look at property data. To determine how accessible their store is from the location of their advertisements, they could also need to evaluate street-level data or even look into mobile advertising options (on buses, taxis, etc.).

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4. Customer insights

According to privacy laws, cloud mobility data never makes any personally identifiable information available. Nonetheless, there are ways to generalize about consumers based on their travel patterns and daily activities. When paired with datasets like POI, demographics, and anonymized purchase records, footfall data truly excels in this area.

5. Financial investment research

Investment firms are increasingly embracing alternative data because traditional official financial data is now frequently generated too infrequently to be helpful. To perform visit attribution analysis, they can combine precise property data with mobile data as a basic method of doing this. In contrast to how many people merely passed the business, this involves counting the number of persons who entered the premises of the store and stayed there for an extended period.

A more complete view of a store's sales performance can be obtained by understanding mobility based on GPS data together with POI data, property data, credit/debit transaction data, and other metrics. Visit attribution can also provide financial health hints for a business long before quarterly reports or other formal indicators are made public when used across several businesses.

6. Insurance liability assessment

The sales performance of a certain store can be better understood when POI data, property data, credit/debit transaction data, and other indicators are combined with movement data from GPS. Visit attribution can provide information about a company's financial health long before quarterly reports or other official indicators are available, especially when performed across several outlets.

Additionally keep in mind that depending on the time and other circumstances, foot traffic patterns can either rise or decrease. For instance, some locations have a lot of daytime traffic while others see a lot of nighttime traffic. On some days of the week or during particular seasons, other locations can experience a surge in foot traffic. These increases, along with environmental risks (darkness, rain, ice/snow, fog, etc.), may result in distinct risk profiles for various locations.

7. Urban planning

The general public can also benefit from the usage of mobility data. Governmental organizations can use big data, transport analytics, and mobility patterns to compare where people go during a day with how readily they can get there using the current transportation routes and modes. This might be interpreted as a hint to find more crucial services, like hospitals, close to crowded gathering spots. Instead, it might be a signal to increase infrastructure investment, making it simpler for rural communities to get basic services.

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The Need to Migrate Data More Frequently

The shift to a more adaptable storage architecture has made data mobility more crucial than ever, especially in a hybrid cloud setting. In the modern world, reliable data mobility is essential. Companies must be able to move their data between many on-premises and cloud environments quickly, safely, and efficiently. Data mobility restrictions cannot determine the success or failure of a company's digital transformation. Regardless of whether a business is focused on cost, manageability, performance, or another factor, it is critical to migrate data to the best location available based on its goals.

No matter when or where the data moves, the end user must always be able to access it. A key component of data mobility is this. Since people are working remotely and according to their schedules, data must be accessible at all times.

Today 30% of Microsoft employees prefer to work at night, according to studies from the company. Data movement during "non-working hours" without a business disruption is a thing of the past. Remote workers must constantly have access to data if they are to be effective and work when it suits them.

These are three crucial actions businesses may take to achieve data mobility in the context of the above.

  1. Strategy
    Consider who will need access to the data, the required level of performance, and the cost of each location when selecting a place for data storage. Is it wise to only use one public cloud for everything? Is a multi-cloud strategy superior to a hybrid cloud storage infrastructure? Although the terms are typically used synonymously, not all data migration solutions can continuously transfer data between storage environments.

The transfer of databases and software to the new environment must also be planned for by businesses. If it is not addressed at the strategy stage, this move could end up being a mistake and result in problems.

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  1. Deployment
    Once a company has determined which storage environment best meets its needs, it's time to get the data from its source to its destination. A one-time migration involves moving data once, halting, and then repeating the process. Data mobility solutions are the ideal choice when data needs to be transmitted back and forth (e.g., moving from on-premises to a multi-cloud environment).

Businesses must think about the following concerns and develop suitable plans during this phase to minimize any negative effects: How long will it take to complete this move? How secure is the data while it is being transferred between locations? How much of a disturbance will the move bring about for users? Will it have an impact on the organization? How much of the work must be done by hand?

Transferring data can occasionally cause programs to lag, which lowers productivity and leads to a flood of questions from employees to the help desk about what's going on. Technologies for data migration can help businesses implement in an efficient, secure, and user-uninterrupted way (again, continuous data access is vital).

  1. Assessment and cutover
    The cutover procedure must be carried out once the data has arrived at its new location (i.e., running the application in its new location and removing the old storage). If the mapping is wrong, problems may arise during cutover. Organizations need to have safeguards in place to make sure that their operations are not harmed if something goes wrong during the process. Also, it's critical to decrease the impact of this transition on end users, therefore companies should take all reasonable measures to limit downtime.

A data mobility solution that synchronizes silently in the background without disrupting users is something that businesses might consider. With only a few seconds to minutes of cutover, new infrastructure can be updated continuously while visitors are still accessing the old site. To cause the least amount of inconvenience and prevent contacting the staff, it is possible to schedule this time during non-work hours.

The storage options that suppliers offer are always changing to keep up with technological advancements. Businesses need dependable data mobility to benefit from newer, better, and more affordable capabilities. Data mobility enables businesses to adapt, and technologies for data migration that provide ongoing data access support worker productivity.


By reaching the end of this blog, I hope you got enough information on data migration, its importance, and its implementation in the IT environment. And you can acquire practical knowledge on the same from OnlineITGuru real-time experts. Contact our support team today and grab the free demo session. Complete the DevOps Online Training and get the necessary skills to become a certified DevOps Professional