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  • Rope Between Excel and Tableau
Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
Rope Between Excel and Tableau

Excel is the best tool used by everyone, known as go to analysis tool and software for spreadsheets that used by many business users. With tableau excel made more powerful.

With drag and drop option for visual analytics. By tableau excel data is made easy and simple. You can have a question to your own as go in your work. Instead of running separate reports or any cross applications for each question. Tableau visualizations are user friendly and highly shareable; it guides everyone in your business to solve his or her problems.

Here in our blog Rope between tableau and excel we will discuss the following

How can we connect tableau and Excel?

  1. Make a sure connection to check the connection between, excel and tableau. When you open tableau dashboard under the connect button click the Excel option. After that click on Excel workbook, you want to connect , and click open.
  2. For this connection you have a alternate in tableau desktop

on windows, for connecting to the excel file. Implementing Microsoft Jet-based connection. You can see this in open dialog box. After that, click the open drop-down menu. Then select open with legacy connection. The Data source Page Appears.

  1. When you enter the data source page, you have to do the following. Select Default Data source name at the top of the page. Enter the unique data source name to use in tableau sets. For Instance, you have to use data source naming convention that guides users of data source to check out which type of data source to connect.
  2. If your excel file is having only one table, then click the sheet tab to start your analysis. Make sure to use custom SQL to connect certain query rather than the total data source. You can connect to named range or an excel table in the same way. So you can get connected to worksheet. This both are named as excel table function like a table in tableau Bi.
  3. Design named ranges in excel by focusing on a range of cells. After that select a define name on the Formulas option. As same as named ranges, you can design Excel by selecting Range of cells. Then select Insert Table. When you make connection with a named range or excel table in tableau. You see icon that appears next to the sheet in data source page as shown. We can get these results by tableau table calculations.
  4. You can connect to multiple excel workbooks at the same time and each data source will have a unique name.

Now we will see the comparison between Excel and tableau or Spreadsheet tool and Data visualization tool.

Many of us feel that tableau and Excel are competitors. However, an intelligent techie thinks that tableau and excel just like bread and butter. You can practice more with tableau license.

Now we will discuss about spreadsheets.

This worksheets known as electronic worksheets, this will show data in the form of table and columns. Each Data point stored in cells and that can be controlled manually by a set of formulas. In addition, after calculation Data represented in the form of tableau charts.

Data visualization Tool

Tableau is a format of data, showed in graphical view, and pictorial view for easily finding the patterns between the data points. These tools will connect to third party tools to get the data and has friendly, functionality example as drag and drop option and best view in Tableau graphs.

Formulas in Excel are Equal to tableau

In Excel and tableau we commonly use formulas known as LEFT(), SUM(), MAX(), ABS(). According to expert 30 % of tableau formulas has exact match in excel.  Other formulas in tableau are similar to SQL that used for Microsoft Data bases like My SQL, oracle and SQL server.

Tableau is combination of many tools

If you are familiar with excel and when you deal with tableau. It just looks like Pivot Table. You can Drop your fields in Rows and columns and it sounds just like a pivot Table but with a best graphics. In Many ways, Tableau empowered with pivot table.

So, i have completed the blog by telling a little connection between tableau and Excel.  OnlineITguru is providing special training for Excel Experts, who are willing to shift to Tableau.

Learn Tableau with Excel shortcuts from OnlineITGuru. Become a certified Tableau engineer.