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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-09-26
Overview of Oracle SOA: components, features, benefits

The main focus of modern world organizations is to bring cloud platforms, mobile-based apps, and the latest developments together. They want to integrate multiple platforms to provide better services and user experience. The Oracle SOA framework combines the on-premise and cloud deployments to offer flexibility to the businesses.

Oracle SOA Suite is a software product under the group – Oracle Fusion Middleware. SOA refers to Service Oriented Architecture useful to develop Enterprise-Level Apps. Many app components will interact with each other using interoperable services of Oracle SOA architecture through a communication protocol over the internet.

This SOA architecture based tool helps developers in building, managing & combining services with the application components. Moreover, it helps to deliver SOA composite app as a single unit. This suite also includes different types of components.

Oracle SOA Suite offers the following capacities to the users:

  • Constant tooling
  • A single deployment and management model
  • Total security
  • Unique metadata management

Moreover, Oracle SOA Suite allows users to change complex app combinations into agile and reusable service-based apps. This helps to minimize the time to market, respond faster to business needs, and lower costs.

Oracle SOA Architecture

Oracle SOA offers a business architecture that supports developing related enterprise apps. This helps to provide resolutions to business issues. The Oracle SOA makes easier the development of business apps as modular business web services. These services can be easily unified and reused, by building a truly flexible and versatile IT infra.

The Oracle SOA provides an architectural approach for the applications within a network. This will get benefit from the available services. Moreover, a reporting call over the Internet provides the services need for the apps.

Moreover, an SOA enables the users to combine several provisions to form applications from the current services. The SOA-based computing packages can be unified into different software systems. This will be within the group of interoperable services. Even though the services belong to independent business sectors.

Get hands-on experience of learning SOA from an expert’s point of view through– Oracle Online Course at Onlineitguru.

Why use Oracle SOA?

Oracle SOA Suite helps in easy-to-use, reusable, and unique app-building tools and life cycle management support. In this way, it further reduces development and handling costs and complexity. Business Org’s can scale up efficiency and agility via rules-driven, business process automation using Oracle SOA.

The service costs can be lowered by using existing modules of software that involve in testing and developments. Besides, this will reduce the burden of writing new software codes. Moreover, this would also lower managing costs and ensure better savings.

Messaging: The use of messaging services will help to move between the computer systems within the Org. The external services that it offers will be easy to use. The message management by the services is easily changed. It helps to meet new desires or performance tuning.

Message Security: Message security includes data integrity in addition to the cryptographic solidity-check fields and data secrecy by message encryption.

Oracle SOA Components

The Oracle SOA includes an extensive set of components necessary for the development, monitoring, and security of the Oracle SOA. The following are the several components in detail of Oracle SOA.

Service Infrastructure:

Service Infra allows the linking of components via the internal message routing structure. Along with this, it allows the data flow.

Moreover, external parties or service providers receive messages via SOAP binding.

Directing the messages to the right service engine on the basis of a complex definition is the process in service infra.

Oracle Adapters:

The Oracle Adapters uses the JCA technology to establish a link between the Oracle SOA Suite and the external systems. There are various technologies offered for data stores, protocols transmission, and messaging middleware. These include BAM, Files, JMS, FTP, Message Queuing, and Advanced Queuing technologies.

Oracle Mediator:

The Oracle Mediator component works the same as the load balancers do. They direct HTTP traffic securely. It directs the data to the external parties from the service providers. This can be useful to publish various business events or their subscription. It is possible to outline routing services and produce rules taking the help of this component.

Event Delivery Network and Business Events:

Business affairs can be elevated when an interesting situation derives. When some situation or event takes place, the business events are produced and transmitted. Example: the beginning of any order or its finishing. Besides, other apps would also be able to subscribe to an affair once it will be published. 

Oracle Metadata Repository or OMR is the rulesets for the Oracle Business Rules, business affairs, events, etc. These are useful within the Oracle BPEL Process Manager. Metadata files, WSDL, and the XSLT files kept for the Oracle Mediator. And the Oracle Bus Service (OSB) are kept under the OMR.

Oracle Business Rules (OBR):

The dynamic decisions enabled by the OBR mean that you can automate calculations, limitations, policies, and even reasoning. It is started by a BPEL component and isolates the rule logic from the app code consists underneath. Moreover, the business rule for the messages routing may be useful by the mediator component. These business rules are kept under the OBR.

Oracle WSM Policy Manager:

The infrastructure needs for auditing policies or protects global security is provided by the Oracle WSM Policy Manager. Configuring and promotion of identity along with protecting the various endpoints. Moreover, it also protects the apps.

The Policy Manager also provides the standard procedure that is useful for authentication, encryption, certifying messages, and role-based access control. It provides better flexibility and monitoring security to the users. As the policy can be modified with the need to change the endpoints or the clients using them.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager:

The standard needs to construct any set of distinct services and develop an end-to-end process flow is provided by the Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The difficulty and cost include in the capability of process integration are completely minimized. Async and sync services can be arranged within the end-to-end process flows by the BPEL Process Manager.

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Spring Context:

A spring framework provides a lightweight container that can be useful for countless services. In the place of some particular component type, these spring containers can accept JavaBeans. Therefore, the framework is also useful to build Java apps. Thus, the spring framework from the Oracle SOA Suite helps to use the Java interfaces instead of the WSDL files.

Human workflow

The human workflow component provides a number of features. These include;

The component provides human contacts with processes, including tasks and routing of jobs to the exact users or groups.

Time limits, negotiations, notifications, and other features required to make sure the timely execution of a task (human activity).

It involves a display of tasks to end-users via different mechanisms, including a worklist application (Oracle BPM Worklist).

The arrangement, filtering, prioritization, and other features are important for end-users to efficiently execute their jobs.

Reports, reassignments, load balancing, and other features needed by supervisors and stakeholders to manage the execution of works.

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (Oracle BAM)

Oracle BAM or business activity solution is a total solution. This is useful for creating real-time operational dashboards and monitoring with notifying apps over the Web. Moreover, using this technology, the business user gains the ability to develop attractive and real-time dashboards. And also build energetic notifications to observe their business services and activities. More particularly, Oracle BAM allows business operation workers and managers to:

Observe business processes and activities in real-time.

Analyze events as they appear by connecting events, locating trends as they appear. And it helps in notifying users about difficulties, anomalies, and solutions to business issues.

It acts on existing situations with affair-driven notices, real-world dashboards, BPEL processes, and Web services in combination. Moreover, it enables quick changes or remedial action to business operations.

Oracle B2B

This is an e-Commerce window that allows the secure and reliable exchange of messages between the Org and its dealing partners. It is a permanent component of the Oracle SOA Suite. And it allows the deployment of fully end-to-end eCommerce business activities.

Oracle B2B marks the documents, packaging, transits, messaging services, Trading Partner profiles, and consensus with the below features:

Document Management: It provides various document standards. Like definitions, translation, recognition, association, routing, code lists, and envelope production.

Trading Party Management: This feature provides the potential to handle trading party profiles and agreements.

Profiles: The feature provides the trading party’s details. Such as identifications, contacts, users, delivery channels, supporting docs, and security.

Consensus: It enables agreement among the trading partners for a particular contact.

System Management: The feature offers to monitor and manage the ecosystem.

Advantages of Oracle SOA

The following points are a few advantages of the Oracle SOA.

  • Manual code replacement with Oracle SOA components will enhance the performance. As these components are highly optimizable regarding performance.
  • Internally Web services contact each other using the help of messaging services.
  • Services usually share schema but not the classes.
  • The affinity of service is described based on RM.
  • Easy to handle difficulty, need to pivot on business.
  • Any changes or modifications will not impact the consumer at all.
  • Minimizes TCO and increases Return on Investment in developing systems.
  • Add value to core investments by using existing assets up to the maximum level.
  • New devices are built much faster due to less money involvement.
  • Current services are reusable much more.
  • Besides, it is built for flexible processes
  • Everything will be useful as a service part
  • Service Observation is better as we can verify the status. And also check all component request/response data within Oracle SOA using the EM Console.

Oracle SOA features

Oracle SOA includes a series of features that help to combine with the other platforms. The unique platform meets the increasing demands of faster business unification. The Suite supports all the latest technology trends today. The adapters divide into various categories. Such as business application, CDC and mainframe, cloud, and the SOA Suite Adapters, etc. They mainly depend on systems and applications.

The following are the various features of Oracle SOA.

Cloud Integration Adapters

One of the most exciting features of SOA includes the Oracle cloud adapters. They provide a clear link with SaaS apps via the operating options and design-time wizards. Besides, there exists some space for upgrading. It needs structure for web services and the cloud adaptor config wizard, and adapter SDK also.

A clear view of the business object. the cloud adapter config wizard provides. The users can browse the services and objects and select them to execute the assisting operations. The adapter is also useful to separate the objects and the apps well.

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Service Re-Use

Simple & clear service examples are the beginning point for service re-use. This also provides another major benefit of SOA:

- Using current software modules instead of writing new codes. This means minimal development and testing costs. And in some cases a greater saving in managing costs.


Users may include an SOA in which software services bring each other directly. For example, by coding-language function calls. But, in several SOAs, the software services always entreat each other by exchanging messages. Even they are performing upon the same processor. This may seem to be an extra expense for the business. But, if the services are loosely-coupled. The number of message swaps is relatively small, and the overhead is fairly low.

Message Control

Message control provides the following;

  • Applying management policy; such as by limiting a service consumer to a contact service volume, or giving priority to definite types of message.
  • Applying security policy; such as, by managing access to definite services, or rejecting messages that could damage the business systems or the enterprise itself.

Service Composition

Service composition refers to putting together several simple services to make a more difficult one. For instance, a “product sale” web service could be a collection of simpler product selection, shopping cart reviews, etc. Moreover, there are credit card payments, and invoice payment services. The service composition provides a key advantage like:

- Ability to build new function combinations much faster.

Service Discovery

When a program uses a software service, the recognition of that service can be clearly given within the program code. For instance, where service implements as Java objects, its methods brought by name by user programs. Where messaging is in use, the targets of the messages can be clearly named at coding time. This refers to the hard-wiring of service links.

Hard-wiring is a simple start, but it has some restrictions. Moreover, a different and much more flexible resemble is service discovery. In this approach, the identity of the destiny service is unknown at coding time. But it is identified at run time. The user program identifies destiny services that meet its needs and selects one of them.


An exterior can present to the customer a virtual asset that doesn’t equate with the actual underlying assets. This skill refers to virtualization. This is useful to enable codes that written to use a single asset to perform with a different asset.

Final Words

Thus, we learned about Oracle SOA and its various components, features, and benefits. Oracle SOA helps users to build and manage various apps. Moreover, it helps developers to build high-end business applications with service-level orientation. Get more insights from this section through experts at Oracle Online Training.