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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2021-03-18
Oracle Vs SQL Server-Explain the key differences

The concept of the database management system is broad. In this system, RDBMS or Relational Database Management System is the database type that stores data in a structured format. This includes several rows and columns. Moreover, it also provides the visual display of data. Many businesses today are using the RDBMS for their major operations. Among these databases the top-level database management systems are Oracle and SQL Server. In the Oracle Vs SQL Server comparison, Oracle is an RDBM product from Oracle Corp. and the SQL Server is a database product from Microsoft Inc. 

The concept of RDBMS mainly deals with managing data using relational databases.

Hence, both are database management systems that are mainly useful at large enterprises. In Oracle vs SQL Server, both are strong alternatives in the database management area. Thus, it’s not an easy task always to choose between Oracle Vs SQL Server. So, you have to make an in-depth analysis of both product’s capabilities. This also includes your targets and the organization’s requirements and objectives.

After, getting all these things and ideas together, you can think well which one will suits you better between Oracle Vs SQL Server. Then, without wasting much time we will go to understand these concepts in detail in this blog.

Oracle vs SQL server differences

There are many key differences available for both database products. Before we should go into the key differences between oracle Vs SQL server databases, we should know about them.

What is Oracle Database?

Oracle is an RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) from Oracle corporation. And is built with a relational database framework. This is one of the leading database vendors in the IT market that enables users to access data objects through SQL language. Moreover, the Oracle database is a fully scalable relational database management structure useful widely across the globe.

Oracle vs SQL Server Comparison

Get more ideas on the Oracle Database system through the Oracle SOA Online Course at OnlineITGuru.

What is SQL Server?

SQL Server is a most reliable, stable, and useful database product from Microsoft Corporation. This database offers top-level secure database solutions to enterprises. Also, SQL Server supports different types of applications like transactions, analytics, and business intelligence in the large IT ecosystem. Moreover, it is a great database engine that controls data security, storage, and transactions well. It also takes well care of various triggers, views, stored procedures, and other database objects. The SQL server is mostly useful in the deployment, management, and development of various apps located on-premise and on-cloud. 

I hope you got the basic idea of both database products in the Oracle vs SQL server battle. Now, we will move further to know the key differences between the two on the basis of various factors. 

Oracle vs SQL Server comparison chart

In this section, we can see the various factors that determine the comparison of DB products in Oracle vs SQL Server. We have some quick review points here in this comparison. 

  • In the Oracle vs SQL Server battle, the Oracle database is capable to run of different types of platforms. But SQL Server can run and install only on the Windows server only. 
  • SQL Server database engine doesn’t support query optimization process where Oracle offers star query optimization. 
  • Oracle enables rollback facility while in transaction processing but SQL Server doesn’t offer such facility. 
  • SQL Server provides Schemas in each user database but Oracle supports different types of Schemas with instance only. 
  • Oracle database uses “before” and “after” triggers but SQL Server only uses “After” triggers.
  • In the Oracle database, the values do not change before the commit statement. But in SQL Server values are subject to modification even before the Commit statement.
  • Coming to backups, Microsoft SQL Server offers full, partial, and incremental backups but Oracle offers differential, full, file-level, & incremental backups. 

Let us move in this comparison further to check other factors of differences.

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Oracle vs SQL Server performance

Coming to the performance of both database products in Oracle vs SQL Server, Oracle is better suitable for large business entities. As it needs high performance in their daily operations and other tasks with many features and great difficulties. SQL Server, on the other hand, is better suitable for businesses that don’t want to use it all-in-one place.

According to a survey of 2015, it is noted that a skilled DB admin can perform general functions 40% faster in Oracle than in SQL Server. On this note, it is considered that enhancement in the Oracle DBA productivity can save up to USD 33000/DBA/year. Thus, the Oracle database system seems winning in this factor. 

Oracle vs SQL Server cost

Coming to the pricing levels, SQL Server license is somehow cheaper or less costly than Oracle database licenses. The Oracle vs SQL Server comparison is a matter of opinion but not in the case of its costs. 

Based on estimation, a server including 4 CPUs and 4 cores/CPU costs just USD 114000 for SQL Server. But the same costs USD 380000 for the Oracle database. These prices may rise with the increase in features like data compression, OLAP (online analytics processing), and partitioning tables. Even the sticker cost may be lower for SQL Server but the lifetime database ownership cost also have to be considered. This may include annual maintenance, support, and efficiency of daily usage. The comparison in Oracle vs SQL Server seems to be a winning factor for SQL servers.

Oracle vs SQL Server Syntaxes

The MS-SQL Server syntaxes are simple and easier to write while the Oracle syntaxes are complex but more productive.

Oracle vs SQL Server Language

Coming to the use of language, SQL Server uses T-SQL language means Transact SQL. But Oracle database uses Pl/SQL language. 

Job Scheduling

In this Oracle vs SQL Server, job scheduling in MS- SQL Server is through SQL Server Agent. In Oracle, it is through OEM or Oracle Scheduler.

Oracle vs SQL Server- Platform Support

Oracle supports different types of platforms while SQL Server runs only on Windows servers. But with the latest changes after the year 2017, it is ready to install on Linux OS.

Oracle uses Bitmap and the indexes are based on reverse keys and functions. But in MS SQL Server there is no bitmap based on functions, reverse keys, etc. 

For troubleshooting and support, SQL Server offers some technical notes, error/bug descriptions, and patches. These are easy to download and there is no extra cost to pay. On the other hand, Oracle supports through call only which is chargeable per case of support.

Parallel access is not allowed in SQL Server while the writer is in progress and it increases wait time. In Oracle parallel or concurrent access is provided to others as well as waiting time is also less. 

MS SQL Server uses a row or page blocking method where page reading is not allowed while page block. But in Oracle, uses a copy of the record while blocking. It allows the reading of original data while performing changes. 

Error handling

To handle the different errors, SQL Server executes each command individually. This makes it more complex to do alterations while encountering any error during the process. On the other hand, Oracle always uses the latest database connection for every new transaction. This helps in finding errors easily and can make changes.

Admin intervention

SQL Server follows a global memory distribution system so database admin has less intervention here. Due to this, there is less chance of human errors. In Oracle database, it follows dynamic memory distribution where the database admin has to interfere and it leads to human errors.

Parallel Execution

In Oracle, the execution of INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, and MERGE statements done in parallel. But in MS SQL Server the statements- INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are executed in parallel mode. 

Automation support

In Oracle vs SQL Server, both database platforms support automation through their respective available assistants.

Coming to the Redo Streams, in SQL Server these are unique to each user and database. In Oracle, there is only one redo stream available at the DB level. 

Database protection

In SQL Server, the user login authentications are done at both the instance and database level. While in Oracle, users are authenticated through their database credentials and the operating system roles. 

Sharability of resources

In SQL Server, each database contains its own unshared disk file upon the server. On the other hand, Oracle includes all the objects grouped under Schemas. Moreover, all the objects within the database are shared across the schemas and users.

User Base

Oracle has served a large user base including large enterprises with great scalability and security than SQL Server. On the other hand, SQL Server served only users with Windows licenses. But in the later time, the SQL server also improved much better. Now both databases have released the advanced enterprise and standard versions of platforms supporting Windows and Linux. 

Hence, we have gone through the various comparison standards of both database systems. Now, we will look into some benefits and disadvantages of these databases. 

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Oracle vs SQL Server pros and cons

Here are a few of the pros and cons for these databases in Oracle vs SQL Server.


  • Oracle database has great & most valuable features like Data pump, Goldengate, and Recovery Manager, etc. SQL Server is considered to be the most stable database. 
  • In MS SQL Server there is a facility available for data replication across different geographical locations. Oracle on the other hand has automatic memory management with a large file capacity.
  • Oracle database is more reliable in nature while SQL Server includes high-availability with great performance.
  • In Oracle, it is easy to handle millions of transactions on daily basis. SQL Server is also easy to manage where it moves the database design into the realistic features with easy to code.
  • Cost optimization is good in Oracle with the security of data. In SQL Server also there are good security features available. 


  • In the Oracle database, more productivity access is achievable with improvement in support services. SQL Server lacks some built-in plugins where it requires buying some third-party plugins for various actions. 
  • Oracle DBMS is more expensive and in SQL Server to improve itself it can go with integration with other products. 
  • The product Oracle could be more intuitive. SQL Server query optimizer needs slight simplification.

Hence, these are a few of the pros and cons of the two distinct database products. 


Thus, we have seen the various factors of comparison between Oracle vs SQL Server in this blog. I have given every possible attempt to explain things well for both database products. Considering both, Oracle is the best suitable product for larger enterprises while SQL Server is good for organizations that won’t go all-out. Hence, both products are mature, capable, and good options for relational database management systems. Finally, you have to choose any one product depending upon the budget, customers, vendors, technology requirement, and the skills incur. If you want to get practical insights into Oracle Database and its various aspects, then go through the Oracle SOA Online Training with the IT Guru platform.