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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2021-11-24
Java vs. C++: Which Is Superior in 2021?

 java vs c plus plus

C++ and Java are both object-oriented programming languages, as everyone knows. But, they vary in key ways. C++ is an object-oriented procedural language. So, it derives from the C computer language. C++ is useful for application and system development. But, Java is to create virtual machines. It includes entire libraries to support current platforms.

Java is a programming language that serves as an interpreter for application programs. But, it is also intended for use in network computing. Let's have a look at some of the most significant distinctions between C++ and Java in a table format.

You will get a fundamental grasp of programming by learning both. As a result, anybody new to programming should master one or both of these languages. So, as before moving on to other languages and technologies. This is why both are necessary courses at programming schools and universities. So, that students may gain a thorough understanding of the C programming language.

Java's History

OAK was the initial name for Java. Originally intended for devices and set-top boxes. Oak was a colossal flop. As a result, Sun rebranded and upgraded Java in 1995. To capitalize on the developing World Wide Web development industry.

Oracle Corporation later purchased Sun Microsystems in 2009. Thus, gaining control of two significant Sun software assets: Java and Solaris.

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What is the Java programming language?

Sun Microsystems created this programming language. This language creation is by a tiny software development team. They were known as the Green Team, and they were the ones that created this programming language in 1991.

C++'s History

AT&T Bell Laboratories' Bjarne Stroustrup designed C++. He adored Simula67 and pushed C so hard. He wanted to integrate the greatest features of both languages. So, he wanted to develop a language that could allow object-oriented programming. But, still having the strength of C. C++ was born as a consequence of this.

What is the C++ programming language?

C++ is a computer programming language. It combines the features of the C and Simula67 programming languages. Simula is the first Object-Oriented language. C++ introduces the concept of Class and Objects.

It contains both high-level and low-level linguistic characteristics. As a result, it is a language of moderate difficulty. Previously called "C with Classes". Since it possessed all the features of the C programming language.

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Highlights from Java

Created with distributed computing in mind

The compilation, debugging, learning, and writing is all simple tasks.

Multi-threaded, allowing software to do many tasks at the same time.

Allows you to create object-oriented modular applications and code that can reuse.

Supports automated memory allocation and garbage collection. Thus, making it easier to migrate from one system to another.

Highlights in C++

Simple GUI apps to colorful 3D games and real-time math simulations and so on. These are among the many apps available.

Effective, quick, and forceful

Easy transportable The Best Multi-Device, Multi-Platform Development Platform

Languages for Object-Oriented Programming Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Data Abstraction and Encapsulation

Exception handling and function overloading are present in the Rich Function Library.

Similarities between C++ and Java

The following are some of the similarities between both:

Object-Oriented Programming languages such as C++ and Java are both Object-Oriented Programming languages. Inheritance, abstraction, and polymorphism are all aspects that an object-oriented programming language provides.

They're both case-sensitive.

The syntax is the same in both.

Many keywords, such as while, for, break, case, try-catch, throw, continue, public, private, and so on. So, both have the same.

Method overloading is present in both languages.

The arithmetic and relational operators are the same in both.

Relational operators such as >,, =,!= (not equal to) g) Arithmetic operators such as +, -, * . Both are programmes begin execution at the "main" entry point.

An entrance point is a moment at which the program begins to run. The function declaration changes, but the name remains.

In Java and C++, primitive data types such as int, float, char, and double are identical. But, in Java, the boolean data type is named boolean, but in C++, it is called bool.

To do multitasking, both enable multi-threading.

Key Differences C++ vs Java

The following are some of the aspects that prove the differences between C++ and Java:

In C++, the compiler is there, but in Java, both the compiler and the interpreter are useful.

Java does not enable operator overloading or many inheritances, but C++ does.

C++ is more hardware-oriented.

The internet is not built-in to C++, although it is in other. C++, but, provides socket programming, which is to do the same thing.

Header files are there in C++ to include various libraries in the application. To incorporate other classes and their methods in the app, Java uses the import feature.

It does not provide default parameters, unlike C++ does.

In C++, the scope resolution operator(::) is to declare a method that is not part of the class, but in other, a single dot(.) is used to qualify classes with the namespace from which they originated.

In contrast to C++, it does not include a go-to statement.

Java lacks destructors. So, its exception handling and garbage collection mechanisms vary from those in C++.

Method overloading is available in it. But, method overloading and operator overloading get support in C++.

The idea of pass-by-value exists in Java.

Unsigned integers are not implemented in it, although they are in C++.

C++ is a pointer-based programming language that can manipulate memory addresses.

Java is a type-safe programming language since it does not utilize pointers.

Generics are useful in it, while templates are in C++.

The JVM aids inefficient code optimization. So, the program's execution performance is superior to that of C++.

Destructors are in C++ and are called automatically when destroying an object.

For the establishment of a new thread, Java offers an in-built Thread class that must be inherited. A programmer must override the run() function.

Threads are not supported in C++ as they are in others. Instead, more libraries are useful to get thread capability.

C++ vs. Java: What's the Difference?

Syntactically, both are quite similar. Apart from this closeness, the C++ and Core languages have a lot of distinctions.

The following is a list of high-level major differences between C++ and Java:


C++ is platform agnostic.

Java is platform agnostic. It's the first programming language. So, it doesn't need any specific hardware or operating system. We can run apps produced by us on any machine. It has revolutionized the IT industry.


The C++ programming language is useful for system and application development.

Other is useful in the development of Windows, Web-based, Enterprise, and Mobile apps.

Compiler and Translator:

Only the compiler is available in C++. As a result, it is referred to as compiled language. Only the compiler is to build and execute the C++ application. The ThecapitalizeObject C++ compiler translates source code to machine code. C++ is platform dependent.

Both a compiler and an interpreter are present in Java. At compilation time, the compiler converts Java source code into bytecode. Bytecodes are not instructions for machines. The interpreter runs this bytecode and generates output at runtime. As a result, it is a platform-independent compiled and interpreted language.

Computer hardware:

C++ is more closely related to specific hardware or operating systems.

Another one isn't as reliant on certain hardware or operating systems.

Memory Control:

C++ programmers have access to memory management.

Memory management is not available to other language programmers. It is manageable by the system.

The go-to statement is:

The goto statement is there in C++. A  Go to statement, but, is not encouraged.

The goto statement is not supported in other.

Many inheritances: 

Many inheritances are present in C++. The term "virtual" is useful to solve issues that arise during many inheritances.

Many inheritances via classes are not supported in Java. It is possible with the help of a new feature called "interface."

Overburdening the operator:

The idea of operator overloading is available in C++.

In other, there is no notion of operator overloading.


The functionality of pointers is there in C++. In C++, we may create pointer programs.

Internally, Java supports pointers, but only to a limited extent. But, we are unable to create a pointer program in it.

Call by value or reference:

C++ allows both value and reference calls.

The other one only enables calls by value, not by reference.

Union and Structure:

C++ supports unions and structures.

In another one, there are no notions of structures or unions.

Garbage collection:

Garbage collection is available in it.

In C++, but, trash collection does not exist.

Support for Threads:

Thread support is not built into C++. For thread support, mostly relies on third-party libraries.

The class "thread" in Java provides thread support. We'll need to inherit the thread class and then override the run function to make it work.

The following are global variables:

Global variables are available in C++.

Other does not allow global variables.

Template classes:

In contrast to C++, it does not feature template classes.

Documentation comment:

C++ does not provide documentation comments.

Other allows you to create documentation for java source code using documentation comments (/**... */).

Virtual Keyword:

The virtual keyword in C++ allows us to decide whether to override a function in the derived class.

We may use polymorphism in this manner.

The virtual keyword is not available in another one. By default, we may override all instance methods. In other words, by default, instance methods are virtual.

Right shift, unsigned >>>:

The unsigned right shift >>> operator is not present in C++.

For negative values, other offers the unsigned right shift >>> operator. So, it inserts zero at the top. It functions in the same way as the >> operator for positive values.

Inheritance Tree:

C++ produces a fresh inheritance tree every time.

All classes in Java are from the Object class. So, it always uses a single inheritance tree.

Hierarchy of roots:

In C++, there is no root hierarchy. Both procedural and object-oriented programming languages are available in C++. As a result, it is classified as a hybrid language.

Another one is an object-oriented programming language in its purest form. As a result, it always maintains a single root hierarchy.

Operator for resolving scope:

To declare a function outside of a class in C++, we may use the scope resolution operator (::). We may also access a global variable inside its scope if a local variable with the same name already exists.

In other, there is no scope resolution operator (::).

Detection of runtime errors:

In C++, it is the programmer's job to check for runtime mistakes.

In other, it is the job of the system to check for mistakes in the program.

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C++ versus Java: which is better?

It's possible that deciding which is best is tough. Both have capitalized advantages and disadvantages.

C++ is a mature language that excels at system development. So, it includes sophisticated features such as templates and containers. In reality, C++ is useful to construct systems ranging from industry to gaming. We won't be able to do it using Java.

Java is the most popular language for creating games, servers, & client-side web apps. It's also known as the Android operating system's native language. So, it runs on Android phones and tablets.

It's also simpler to locate a Java developer than it is to find one for a "harder" language like C++. As a result, the decision between both is dependent on the kind of program developed.

So, before deciding which programming language is better. So, consider the pros and cons of both languages first. After that, then pick which is the best programming language for developing your app.


In this blog, we learn about the fundamental distinctions between C++ and Java. We also go through each aspect of both languages. We will compare and contrast both in this blog. Both are very strong programming languages. To have a strong grasp of computer programming, you should consider studying both.

If you must select between the two, consider what kind of apps you want to develop. C++, for example, is an excellent option for creating Windows programs. You may also use Java if you need to construct app servers, business apps, and so on. 

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