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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2021-10-19
Python vs. C++: Which One Is Better?

Python and C++ are two distinct programming languages with distinct features and behaviors. Both of these languages offer much support for object-oriented programming in common.

We'll go over some of the basic definitions of Python and C++. As well as the fundamental distinctions between Python and C++ in this blog. Later in this blog, we'll go over some of the pros and cons of both languages.


python vs c plus plus


What is C++?

In general-purpose programming languages, C++ is very useful. You can use the language to encapsulate both high-level and low-level language elements. As a result, it classifies as an intermediate language. It's also utilized to create sophisticated systems that need hardware-level coding.

What is Python?

Python is a high-abstraction object-oriented programming language. It includes data structures, dynamic binding, and type. Thus, making it an excellent choice for rapid application development. Modules and packages are also available in it. So, system modularity and code reuse

It is one of the quickest programming languages due to its little code size. It is easy to read and understand. Thus, making it suitable for newbies.

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C++'s features

The following are some of the most essential aspects of C++.

The program should be straightforward, object-oriented, and simple to comprehend.

The development process should take place in a stable and secure setting.

The code must adhere to the architecture and be portable.

The code should be simple to "understand" and "dynamic."

Python's features

Here are some of its features

It's easy to learn, read, and follow.

It can run on a variety of hardware systems while maintaining the same user interface.

Also, its interpreter can accept low-level modules.

Its structure and support are ideal for huge programs.

Further, it has built-in support for garbage collection.

It allows you to test and troubleshoot in an interactive fashion.

Also, it has high-level dynamic data types.

This programming language can use in conjunction with Java, C, and C++ code.

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C++ vs Python: The Biggest Differences

The following sections highlight the key distinctions between both. So, these are relevant to programming languages.


C++ is a compiled programming language. From the C++ source code, the C++ compiler generates object code, which is then run to produce the result.

Python is a scripting language. Its code with the py extension does not need to make. We can pass it a direct way to the Python interpreter and get the results.


C++ offers a large number of features as well as a relatively complex syntax. Writing C++ code is not as simple as it appears.

Python is simple to write and has a straightforward syntax. As a result, developing its programs is easier than writing C++ applications.

Language's Nature

C++ is a statically typed language. So, it means that variables' declarations, data types, and so on. These we can check at compile time. This ensures that the source code is error-free throughout execution.

Python, on the other hand, does not have any statically typed variables. At compile time, it performs no type of verification. As a result, the code is prone to mistakes.


Because C++ is not portable, we must recompile the code for each platform. "Write Once, Compile Anywhere" is a C++ trademark.

Python is a portable programming language. It's also cross-platform, meaning we can run programs on any device.

Garbage Collection/Memory Administration

There is manual memory management in C++. C++ does not support automatic resource garbage collection.

Python, but, has a garbage collection capability built-in. Its memory management is manageable with the use of the operating system.

Prototyping in a Short Amount of Time

C++ is not useful for quick prototyping.

We can undertake rapid prototyping of code with Python. So, this can is useful to construct apps in higher-level languages.

The Variables' Scope

The uses of Curly brackets () and loops are to distinguish code in C++. The restriction of variables' scope is to the blocks and loops denoted by.

The variables used in Python are not restricted to blocks or loops. Even outside of the curly braces, the variables are available.


C++ is simple to install on Windows. Python, but, is tough to set up.


It associates Data types in C++ with names and is checked at compile time. This decreases the chance of any runtime issues.

Python data types are verified at runtime. Because we don't catch problems at compile time, code may be more error-prone at runtime.


Functions are code blocks that have one or more parameters as well as a return value. A type assigns to each parameter and returns a value.

The types of parameters and return types in a C++ function call must match those in the function specifies.

There are no such restrictions on parameter and return types in Python.


C++ code is tough to maintain because it becomes more difficult to read as solutions grow larger.

Python, so, offers easy syntax and tidy code. Its source code is simpler to maintain.

Syntax Difficulty

The code in C++ is a clear outline with the use of blocks encased in. Also, semicolons signifying the conclusion of the sentence, and so on. As a result, the syntax in C++ is well-organized.

There are no semicolons or blocks in Python. So, it employs indentation.

Execution Speed

C++ applications are speedier when it comes to execution speed. C++ is well-known and common for utilizing programs that must run quick. Such as gaming platforms.

Python, on the other hand, is a sluggish language. Its programs are also slower than Java programs. As a result, we use it only for applications that can afford to be slow.


Because C++ is a statically typed language, we have fewer runtime mistakes to deal with. C++ also produces runtime code that is more reliable and faster. As a result, C++ is a high-performance language.

Because Python is dynamic. So, some errors or undesirable situations may happen during runtime. So far, it falls behind C++ in terms of performance.

Python, so, has the upper hand when it comes to machine learning.


When compared to C++, which becomes more difficult as we progress through its features. So, Python is simple to learn and put into practice. Also, it has packages that allow us to develop any functionality. So, this including data analysis and machine learning.

As a result, Python outnumbers C++ in terms of popularity. It is programmers' first choice, especially for the development of machine learning applications.

Usability and Simplicity

Python allows us to develop compact, easy legible code, among other things. So, due to its simplicity and ease of use. This is beneficial for developing complex machine learning applications. Because we don't have to fight with a programming language.

Second, it is a straightforward and easy-to-learn language. C++, on the other hand, cannot say in the same way. C++ is a lower-level language that is easier for computers to understand than it is for humans.

As a result, Python performs well on these metrics. So, especially when deciding between both for constructing machine learning applications.


Python developers may expect to earn an average annual salary of $92K, or $7K per month.

C++ programmers may expect to make roughly $95K each year, or $6K per month.

Python's Advantages
Fewer codes

When compared to other languages, almost all actions in it needs less coding.

Also, it has excellent standard library support. So, you won't need to look for any third-party libraries to complete your task.

This is one of the reasons why many people tell novices to learn this language.


It is free. So, individuals, small businesses, and large firms can all enjoy the free resources.

It is well-known and widely used. Thus, you'll get more community support.

Python is a Language for Everyone

Code may execute on any platform, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Programmers must learn many languages for various roles. But, it allows you to create web apps, perform data analysis and ML, automate tasks, and create games.

It is a programming language that is useful in a variety of situations.

C++'s Benefits

C++ contains a feature called portability. So, it allows users to run the same program on a variety of operating systems and interfaces.

If you write a program in LINUX OS and then switch to Windows OS for some reason. So, you will be able to run the identical program on Windows without any errors. This functionality proves to be useful to programmers.

Object-oriented design

One important feature of C++ is object-oriented programming, which encompasses concepts. So, these include data abstraction and encapsulation. These characteristics enable code reuse and increase program reliability.

Not only that but considering data as an object aids us in solving real-world problems. Because C lacked this functionality, it was built, and it has proven to be very useful.

This feature spawned a slew of new job opportunities and technology. C++ was created by merging concepts not only from C . But, from Simula 67, the first object-oriented programming language.

A multi-paradigm approach

C++ is a computer language that supports many paradigms. Paradigm is a programming style. Incorporates the program's logic, structure, and flow. C++ has three paradigms: generic, imperative, and object-oriented.

Let's have a look at what generic programming entails. Generic programming is when a single concept is for several purposes. Imperative programming, but, refers to statements that alter the state of a program.

Manipulation at a Low Level

C++ permits low-level data manipulation at a certain level because it is with C . So, it is a procedural language related to the machine language. C++ is to develop embedded systems and compilers.

Memory Administration

C++ gives the programmer full memory management control. This we can see as both a benefit and a drawback. But, it places more responsibility on the user to manage memory rather than the GC. This concept is for utilizing pointers and DMA (dynamic memory allocation).

Widespread community support

C++ has a large community that promotes it via paid and free online courses. C++ is the 6th most popular and followed tag on Stack Overflow and GitHub, according to statistics.

Compatibility with C

C++ is indistinguishable from C. A C++ program is an error-free C program. Every C++ program can execute on a file with the .cpp suffix, depending on the compiler used.

Python's disadvantages
Speed Restrictions

The execution of its code is line by line, as we've seen. But, because it is an interpreted language, it is slow to execute.

This isn't a problem, though, unless the project's focus is on speed.

Mobile Computing and Browsers are Weak

It is a great server-side programming language, but it's rarely used on the client-side.

Aside from that, it is rarely used to develop smartphone applications. Carbonnelle is one of these applications.

Despite the presence of Brython, it is not well-known because it is not very secure.

Design Limitations

It is dynamically typed, as you may know. This implies you don't have to specify the variable's type as you write the Python code.

Duck-typing is useful. But, hold on, what's that? It says that if something appears like a duck, it is a duck.

While this makes coding easier for programmers, it can lead to run-time mistakes.

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C++'s disadvantages
Use of pointers

In C/C++, pointers are a tough concept to grasp, and they consume a lot of memory. The incorrect use of pointers, such as wild pointers, can cause the system to crash or act strange.

Concerns about security

Although object-oriented programming provides more data security than non-object-oriented programming languages. Such as C, certain security vulnerabilities remain. Due to the existence of buddy functions, global variables, and pointers.

Lack of a Garbage Collector

C++ allows the user complete control over computer memory management via DMA. A garbage collector is not available in C++ to auto-filter away superfluous data.

The lack of a built-in thread

There are no threads built into C++. Threads are a new notion in C++ that wasn't present at first. C++ now can support lambda functions.


Finally, you've now seen some of Python's and C++'s strengths and weaknesses. You've learned some of the similarities and differences between the languages.

You've seen how useful C++ is when you need to:

Quick execution time (potential at the cost of development speed)

Complete memory control

Python, but, is ideal for:

Quick development time (potential at the cost of execution speed)

Memory that has been careful managing

You're now able to make an appropriate language decision for your needs.

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