Almost everything nowadays is mechanized and programmed. So, everything is under the control of computers, from banking apps to automatic attendance tracking systems. It's no surprise that by 2024, the number of software developers will have risen to 28.7 million.
There are around 600 different programming languages available. Every year, the demand for and popularity of programming languages changes. New programming languages are also gaining popularity due to their appealing characteristics. It might be difficult to select which road to take when there are so many options in computer coding.
C++, Java, and Python, but, have retained their appeal in competitive coding over the years. There's nothing you can't construct using C++, Java, or Python.
The 3 programming languages will see in this blog, along with their features, and pros. Further, what they are best suited for, and the key distinctions between C++, Java, and Python. For more information, see the blog.
The creation of Python was a side project by Guido van Rossum in the 1990s. It is now maintained by the Python Software Foundation. It was named after the BBC's "Monty Python's Flying Circus" television show.
Python is a programming language. It focuses on the developer experience and is productive, simple, and powerful. It is also popular. According to TIOBE, Python is the third-best popular programming language.
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Python is an expressive language, which means it can handle a wide range of tasks with only a few lines of code.
Python is a scripting language. It makes debugging much simpler.
It has a large number of libraries and modules. So, these libraries and built-in functions are to do many difficult tasks. There are now around 137,000 Python libraries available.
Python is useful in Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP, and deep learning.
Web scraping is the process of extracting a large amount of data from the internet. Such information is beneficial to businesses. Moreover, it is often utilized in lead generation for marketing. Web scraping apps are with Python's Selenium, PythonRequest, and Mechanical Soup.
Python is popular for complex data tasks. E.g., data extraction, data mining, and data visualization. Thus, thanks to strong packages like sci-kit-learn and TensorFlow.
Machine learning:
Nowadays, most e-commerce websites utilize Python-based ML and AI. They are to improve user experience and search functionality.
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During the 1970s, Bjarne and Dennis Ritchie worked at Bell Laboratories on C++. C++ is an extension of C that adds object-oriented functionality.
C++ is the second-oldest programming language in terms of popularity. Further, it is fourth in the TIOBE programming language rating.
C++ is a compiled and fast programming language. C++ is platform-dependent because it is a compiled programming language.
Because C++ contains various libraries for handling hardware-level operations. So, the programmer can get complete control over the hardware.
C++ is gaining popularity as a result of its ability to adapt to hardware changes. As well as, the unexpected emergence of containerization, GPUs, and Cloud computing.
C++ is widely utilized in performance-critical and resource-constrained applications because of its speed.
C++ is extensively used by programmers because it facilitates Oop. It provides hardware access. Many high-level end-user applications may with C++:
Adobe Photoshop is a GUI-based application. C++ is to create Illustrator and WinAmp Media Player.
Apple's operating system includes certain C++ components. Most Microsoft software, such as Visual Studio IDE and Internet Explorer, is in C++.
C++ is useful in browsers for rendering purposes due to its quicker execution speed. Google File System, Chrome Browser, and Mozilla Thunderbird are among the examples.
C++ is a suitable choice for implementing Cloud/Distributed Systems. since it is near to the hardware and also supports multithreading.
James Gosling created Java as an object-oriented language in the early 1990s. "Simple, Robust, Portable, Platform-Independent, Secured, High-Performance, Multithreaded, Architecture Neutral, and Dynamic". These were the design concepts behind Java.
Java is currently the third most used programming language. Thus, five years after its first release (even after two decades).
Java is a platform-independent programming language. It was the first to gain the designation of "Write Once, Run Anywhere."
The object life cycle is managed by Java's automated GC and memory management.
Multithreading is a feature of Java that allows you to write programs that can do many tasks at the same time.
Java apps can include a large amount of run-time information. It is to check and resolve accesses to distinct objects at run-time. So, thanks to Just-In-Time compilers.
The majority of Android applications are in Java. Thus, even the most popular IDE, 'Android Studio,' uses Java to create Android apps.
Web-Based Applications:
Servlets, Struts, and JSP provide extensive support for web development in Java.
Large Data Technology:
The Hadoop HDFS platform is in Java and is to handle and stores big data applications. Apache Camel and Apache Kafka both utilize Java.
Game Creation:
Because Java has an open-source 3D engine, it is widely utilized in game development. Java is useful in several popular games, including Minecraft and Mission Impossible III.
C++'s Advantages
Portability, or platform independence, is a property of C++. So, this allows users to run the same program on a variety of operating systems and interfaces.
If you develop a program in LINUX OS and then move to Windows OS for whatever reason. Thus, you will be able to run the identical program on Windows without any errors. This functionality proves to be quite useful to programmers.
Object-oriented programming is one of the most essential characteristics of C++. So, this encompasses concepts such as classes, inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction, and encapsulation. These qualities make it possible to reuse code and increase the reliability of a program.
Not only that but considering data as an object, aids us in solving real-world issues. Because C lacked this functionality, it has proven to be quite useful.
This feature spawned a slew of new career opportunities and technology. C++ was created by combining features not only from C but also from Simula 67. So, it is the first object-oriented programming language.
C++ is a computer language that supports several paradigms. A programming style is referred to as a "paradigm." It covers the program's logic, structure, and process. There are three different paradigms in C++: generic, imperative, & object-oriented.
Manipulation at a Low Level
At a certain level, C++ provides for low-level data manipulation. Because it is links with C. So, this is a procedural language closely related to machine language. C++ is a programming language for creating embedded systems & compilers.
Memory Organizer
The programmer has full control of memory management in C++. This can be viewed as both a benefit and a drawback. because it places more responsibility on the user to manage memory rather than the GC. This concept is using pointers and DMA (dynamic memory allocation).
Java's Advantages
Java is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language. It is to construct programs and applications on any platform. Java offers a slew of benefits that encourage you to continue with it.
Let's look at the advantages of utilizing Java as a programming language.
Java is a straightforward programming language.
If a language is simple to learn and understand, it is simple. Java has a simple syntax. It is simple to develop, learn, maintain, and comprehend, and the code is simple to debug.
Furthermore, Java is less difficult than languages like C and C++. Because of many of the more sophisticated aspects of these languages. E.g., explicit pointers, storage classes, and so on, have been eliminated from Java.
The Java language is an example of Object-Oriented Programming.
Java is an object-oriented programming language. It allows us to increase the code's flexibility and reusability. We may reuse the object in different programs thanks to the OOPs idea.
It also assists us in enhancing security by combining data and functions into a single unit. As a result, it is not visible to the rest of the world. It also makes it easier to break down big modules into tiny sizes. Thus, making them easier to comprehend.
Java is a safe programming language.
By minimizing the usage of explicit pointers, Java decreases security concerns and dangers. As the name suggests, a pointer is just a reference to a different value. It can use to gain unwanted memory access.
The problem can solves by eliminating the idea of pointers. Also, each Java program has a Security manager. So, it allows us to create class access constraints.
Java is a programming language that is both low-cost and low-maintenance
Java apps need a specific hardware infrastructure to execute. So, they are inexpensive to design and maintain. We can perform them on any system, which saves money on maintenance.
Java is platform agnostic
WORA is a powerful platform independence capability that Java provides to its users.
Java's compiled code, or byte code, is platform-agnostic. This may execute on any machine, regardless of the operating system. This code will execute on any system that has the Java Virtual Machine installed.
Python's Advantages
Let's look at how Python stacks up against other languages.
Extensive libraries
Python comes with a large library. It includes code for regular expressions, web browsers, CGI, & email, among other things.
As a result, we won't have to write the entire code.
Python is a language that can expand to work with other languages. Some of your code can be in languages like C++ or C.
This is very useful in projects.
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Python is also embeddable, which adds to its extensibility. You can put Python code into the code of some other language. For example, C++.
This allows us to add scripting features to our other language's code.
Productivity Gains
Because of the language's simplicity & large library, coders can be more productive than with languages. like Java and C++.
Also, the reality is that you must write less and do more.
IoT Possibilities
Python, which lies at the heart of emerging platforms like the Raspberry Pi, sees a bright future for IoT.
This is a technique for bridging the linguistic and real-world divide.
You may need to create a class to print 'Hello World' when working with Java. In Python, but, a simple print statement will suffice.
It's also simple to learn, comprehend, and code.
In this blog, we attempted to provide an overview of the three programming languages. Such as C++, Java, and Python, as well as their applications. Python is an interpreted and platform-independent programming language. But, Java is platform-dependent and a compiled programming language. C++ is compiled and platform-dependent, but Python is interpreted and platform-independent. You may also see the video created by our mentors.
I hope you have gained a thorough understanding of programming languages. Anyone can make a decision based on the firm's needs and working conditions. Which language is superior is a matter of personal preference. All three are strong languages with a sizable user base.
So, if you're interested in learning more about Python and other features, keep reading. Check out the website if you've grasped the concept & decided to study a language.
Enroll in Python Online Training under the supervision of a professional. You may advance in today's industry with this training & abilities.