Tableau is a powerful Business Intelligence tool for analyzing the data in the market. It is the best BI tool to perform various kinds of data operations in the market. This BI tool is responsible for generating various reports in different formats. All these reports were compactable on various kinds of devices like Desktop, Mobile. Analysts generate these reports on the basis of a certain condition. Moreover, tableau creates these criteria on the basis of the Tableau Data Sets. Hence, today in this article, I'm going to provide you with a brief idea regarding the need, usage as well as application of the Tableau Data set.
Hence prior to knowing all these, let us initially know about
What is the Tableau Data Set?
Tableau Datasets are the custom fields that are responsible for holding the dataset on a particular condition. In real-time, you people can create the set by selecting members from the list (or) the visualization. Data Analysts get all those by creating the custom condition (or) selecting the Top/ Bottom records. In other words, these datasets were nothing but the variety of datasets that contains the different measures and dimensions. Due to the high availability of data, we may have different types of data. And each dataset provides a wide range of values. This is because Tableau is capable of connecting various types of data sources. i.e this BI tool integrates with text files, excel files, PDF files, and so on. Besides, it is also capable of connecting with various databases using the ODBC Connector.
How to create Tableau DataSets?
These Datasets can be created in two types. They are Fixed datasets as well as Dynamic datasets. Hence let us navigate through one by one each
Fixed sets:
In fixed sets, the members do not change. A fixed Dataset Can be based on the single dimension (or) the multiple dimensions. In real-time applications, these datasets can be created as shown below
1. From the visualization, select one(or) more marks in the VIEW
2. Now right click on the marks and select create set
3. From the Create Set dialogue box, name your set
4. In addition, you people can perform the following:
a) Initially, the set in contains the members listed in the dialogue box. As per the requirement, you people can add/ remove these members.
( If you wish to create the set using the specific data points you people can add (or) subtract the data from the set using the tooltip. Here, you just need to click the sets dropdown icon and then select the Add/ Remove option )
b) Remove any dimension that you don't want to consider by clicking the 'x' red mark. And this icon usually appears when you hover the column heading.
c) But in some cases, there are some marks that represent the multiple dimension, then each member of the set will be a combination of those dimensions. Here you can specify the character that separates the dimension values. And you can perform this by entering the characters as per your choice.
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5. And in order to move these data to the filters shelf, select Add to filers. This option will automatically move the set to the Filters shelf once it was created.
6. And once everything well, click on OK.
I hope you people have also gone up to this extent without any issues. But in case, if you struck up anywhere feel free to contact Tableau Online Training Team
Since we people have got a brief idea regarding what is a dataset and how do we create it, let us continue our discussion with the other data set
Dynamic Data sets:
As the name indicates, the members in the set change when the underlying dataset changes. And these sets will be based on a single dimension. We people can create this dataset using the following steps
a) Under Dimension Navigate to the Data plane. Here right-click on the field and Select Create and then Set (create --> Set)
b)From the create set dialogue box, configure your settings. In this section, you people can configure this using the below steps:
- In the dialogue, the General tab is responsible for selecting one (or) more value for the set computation. On the other hand, you can also opt to Use all option to always considers all the members even when the new members were added (or) removed.
- In the Condition tab, we can define the rules. And these rules determine what members to be included in the set. For instance, you might specify the condition like the population in a certain area.
- The Top option defines the limits on what matters to be included in the set. For instance, you might specify the limit on the basis of the total network usage.
If all the above things go fine then click on OK.
Here, you can find the newly added dataset at the bottom of the Data pane under the sets section. Usually, the set icon that indicates the field is a set.
since we people have got a brief idea regarding the data set type in Tableau, let's move further with
How to use sets in the visualization?
Whenever the sets get created, you can observe this at the bottom of the data plane in the sets section. And you can drag this like to any other visualization as you would do with any field. For instance, when you drag the set to the visualization on the desktop, you can choose to show the members of the set (or) aggregate the members to In/Out categories. On the other hand with Tableau Server, users are restricted to aggregate the set members into in/out categories
And now, we will discuss the set actions in detail.
Set Actions:
Set actions take an existing set and update the values in the set on the basis of user activity in the visualization. And you can use the set (or) sets that you have created to define the scope of the set action.
And you can define the set action using the following:
a) the source sheet (or) sheets that you are applied.
b)User behavior that runs the action
c) The target data (Data set to be used)
d)Things happen when the selection is cleared
How to Create Set Actions?
a)Navigate to Worksheet, select Worksheet--> Actions. In Dashboard, select Dashboard--> Actions
b) From the action Dialogue box, click on Add action and select Change Set values.
c)Specify the meaningful name for the action in the Add/ Edit set action dialogue box.
d)Select the source sheet (or) data source. Here the current sheet is selected by default. If you select the data source (or) the dashboard, you can select the individual sheet.
e)Know how the users run the action
- Hover runs when the user hovers the mouse cursor over the mark in the view
- Select the runs when the user clicks a mark in the view. And this option suits best for set actions
- The menu runs when the user right-clicks on the selected mark in the view and selects the option on the context menu.
f) specify the target set. You can do this by initially selecting the data source and then selecting the set.
g) Specify what happens when the selection is cleared in the view.
f) Click on OK to save your changes and return to view
h)Finally set the action by interacting with the visualization.
How to join data sets?
The combining or joining of data sets enables users to answer some critical queries. Also, the user can compare the data with a different group of people sharing views. Here, a user can join two different Tableau data sets for comparing the group of people. Hence, whenever a user joins the data sets, he builds a new data set that includes either of these things. It may include either group of all the members, members that remain in both, or the members the remain in one data set but not in the other.
||{"title":"Master in Tableau", "subTitle":"Tableau Certification Training by ITGURU's", "btnTitle":"View Details","url":"https://onlineitguru.com/tableau-training.html","boxType":"reg"}||
Moreover, it has to keep in mind that the data sets you’re joining must locate on the same dimensions.
Let us know the process of joining two data sets in Tableau.
At first, the user needs to select two sets of data for combining from the “Data Pane” under, “Sets”.
Now, select the “Creat Combined Set” option by right-clicking on the sets.
Then, type the name of the new joining set by clicking on the “Create Set Dialogue Box”.
Later, the user must verify the two sets, after select in the drop-down menu that he wants to combine.
Now, the user needs to choose from the below options available for joining the two sets.:-
All members in the two sets:
It allows to include all the members within both of the sets that will combine.
Shared members within two sets
This option allows to include the members that exist within the two sets.
Other than shared members
This option allows that the joining set should include the members that don’t exist in the second data set.
Hence, these set options are similar to deduct a set from another set. Suppose, there are two sets including three balls in the first set. The first set includes blue, yellow, and green balls and the second set includes pink and yellow balls. Now, except for the shared members that include blue and green balls, we will combine the two sets. Then, we will remove the yellow balls that exist in the second set.
Moreover, in case there are different dimensions in sets, then the user must mention a character that isolates the members. Finally, click on the “Ok” option after the combining finish.
Hence, Tableau can deal well with small datasets. The query response time to deal with datasets goes up when the volume increases from seconds to hours. Moreover, to tackle this Tableau brings into action “Extracts” that are data subsets with secure storage. They help in enhancing performance and productivity. Users can query these subsets for performance enhancement rather than a Live connection.
Furthermore, users have the option to optimize the designs for increasing performance in a better way. The users can the number by minimizing the number of filters by deleting the unimportant ones. Thus, by creating data sets in Tableau, we can hold some sets of data with custom fields. These can deal only with a small amount of data and for large data, there are few other options available. Learn advanced tableau methods and functions to deal with these data sets.
Hence likewise, we can create the set actions. Moreover, we can apply many things with the tableau data set. I hope you people have got enough idea regarding the tableau dataset. You people can get more on this at Tableau Online Course