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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-06-11
How to become an AWS Solution Architect?

Today the emergence of cloud computing and technology has put the business world and IT field at par. AWS is the far more recognized and leading platform among cloud computing security. An AWS Solution Architect is a person who has the potential to supervise the cloud computing system and design solutions. Moreover, the AWS Solution Architect is responsible to work on designs, plans, and the systems & applications that require cloud solutions.

To become an AWS Solution Architect it is necessary to gain skills in the cloud platform or cloud computing. Cloud Architects are the experts of IT. The AWS solution architect needs to acquire both business and technical skills. They will often have to work with an enterprise architect to make various solution packages.

Skills required for AWS solution architect

The most important part to become an AWS Solution architect refers to basic skills. The knowledge and idea of the basic skills are necessary for an AWS solutions architect. It helps the aspirants to get ware of their roles and responsibilities effectively within an organization. The following are the basic skills for an AWS solution architect.

  • He should have strong knowledge in any one operating system such as Linux, Windows, Solaris, UNIX, etc.
  • Moreover, any experience as a solutions architect or administrator in any of the OS will also helpful.
  • He had a general understanding of programming or scripting languages.
  • The aspirant should know some networking concepts.
  • Basic knowledge about security concepts such as firewalls, etc.
  • He should have good communication skills. He may require communicating with various sales teams and customers. It forms an important part of the job of an AWS solution architect initially. Therefore, interpersonal skills are also important for the job essentially.
  • The major part or responsibility of an AWS solution architect is to deal with solving issues. This is useful for addressing various customer needs and business objectives simultaneously.
  • The aspirants eager about starting a career in AWS as an architect should also have good adoption skills. An AWS solution architect has to face different tasks such as scriptwriting, troubleshooting, testing, etc.
  • Testing of existing systems and architecture is also one of the major responsibilities. They need to work with many technical and business staff. This helps to find and recommend solutions for systems effectively.

How to become an AWS Solution Architect? | ITGuru

Moreover, the main focus of the architect should be on the technical decisions regarding the solution. He should be aware of the impact they have on business outcomes or results.

To get in touch with the AWS and its latest developments, join the AWS Solution Architect Course from experts.
Important job skills of Solution Architect

Moreover, the main focus of an AWS solution architect lies with the following things.

  • He must use the technology for finding a solution to various business problems that occur in the way.
  • The architect needs to make research on the platform, framework, or technology usage to create a solution.
  • Besides, he should imagine the look of the application, modules to be used, and the interaction between them.
  • It's scaling in the future and its maintenance for better performance.
  • The professional must be able to determine the risk associated with other platforms.
  • He must focus on finding solutions to the various issues that come during and after the process.
  • The person must ensure the delivery of the best system solutions.
  • Work with the high-end solution developing team that supports various business projects and prepare high-end reports.
  • Understand the requirements of the project/business and act upon it.
  • Moreover, ensuring the configuration management that should continue as long as required.
  • Finally, he should monitor the systems and processes that meet the business goals the way they are designed.
  • A Solution architect requires knowing about various processes as well as people skills. They are also responsible to explain complex issues to the management in the simplest form. They also need to explain the same thing differently to different audiences. The person should have the skills and knowledge to evaluate business requirements and recommend the best AWS solutions. This data is useful to the development team for the deployment of a solution.

AWS Solution architect roles and responsibilities

There are many roles and responsibilities of an AWS Solution Architect. The place of an AWS solution architect is one of the most important positions among developers. Architects are responsible for developing and integrating computer systems and information. It will help to meet the specific needs of the organization.

This involves a combination of hardware and software. This will help meeting customer satisfaction. The task of developing various applications is organized by architects. It helps to motivate and guide the development team during the SDLC process. Besides, their main responsibility lies with the vision beneath the solution.

AWS solution architect is also responsible to look after various things. These are the programming, testing, and integration of various systems and devices. They use different processes that generally involve in the technology selection best suitable for any issue. The architects also need to maintain a balance between organization and architectural concerns. Many of the solution architects who are skilled in software development for a long time makes them use various tools that help them are more productive and effective in the process.

The gap between technology and business issues is generally created by the Solution architect. He is the person that manages them with great patience. An AWS Solution Architect shares the knowledge of using various components of information & technology for a specific solution.

Building a secure network and application servicing

The important aspects within AWS are VPC & EC2 and these are the foundation for any kind of app. Moreover, we can build anything by using them. So, one must need to clear with these concepts.

Further, to provide service to the apps within a VPC or Virtual Private Cloud, you need to configure some subnets for the app servers, database server, etc. Later, you have to make them contact with each other using route tables. Here, you also need to prevent other VPC subnet links or any external links with network control access lists.

Furthermore, you have to make secure your network from any external strikes. Here, the user should know when to use IAM roles and the security groups. Thus, handling the internal and external links and stateful rules are very necessary.

Next, you will connect the VPC to the internet via Internet Gateway or the Servers. Here, you need to know about the gateway through which you can connect securely. For this, you have to use an advanced networking system with a placement group. This helps to reduce the latency between the app servers.

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Application auto-scaling and fault tolerance

The usage of cloud platforms helps to use the new VMs and also use as clusters for scaling horizontally. Moreover, in the AWS solution architect uses auto-scaling and EC2 instances for horizontal scaling.

The certification of AWS solution architect evaluates your skills, whether;

You can locate the issues in CPU and RAM usage with CloudWatch.

Users can build auto scale groups with EC2 instances via AMI or Amazon Machine Images. They can also allocate the general configurations to the latest EC2 examples. Moreover, you can scale down while CPU/RAM load decreases on VMs to reduce the costs.

Further, you can ignore the CPU bursts and avert the unimportant scale up functions and activities. This is very important for users. There may be some ‘Denial of Service’ attacks that source operations scaling up may enhance costs. Therefore, users can use exact load balancers & set up multi-availability zone load allocation.

Reduce the costs using reserved or regular instances.

Use ENI or Elastic Network Interfaces for using persistent IP addresses on various EC2 examples to deal with EC2 failures. 

Handling data using EFS and EBS  

EC2 instances may get data from different data sources. Moreover, EBS and EFS are considered hard disks of the VMs. Here, EBS refers to Elastic Block Storage and EFS means Elastic File System. The data is stored here in blocks.

The users need to choose the exact EBS type for the AWS EC2 instances. Moreover, it is like a trade-off to choose between the store and EBS among cost, availability, and size, while the EC2 terminates. Therefore, we need to select the optimized version of an EBS. Further, it needs to build a back-up facility for the EBS volumes.

Use of simple storage service for storing objects

The simple storage service or S3 is different from the concepts of EBS & EFS. It stores the data in the form of objects. Here, you need to protect the S3 buckets via the buckets policies and so on. Also, need to choose the exact IAM role for various plots or areas.

Moreover, it is also useful for service static websites. Reducing the redundancy for unimportant objects helps to minimize the price.

Hence, these are some of the practices of using S3 for object storage within the concept AWS solution architect certification.

Linking AWS and on-premise network

This point is very important to consider for an AWS solution architect while working with the clients at on-premise systems. But you have to migrate to the AWS system slowly with the passing time. This may not be fully possible also. Hence, you need to link the existing system with the AWS environment.

This is the most important thing that a developer needs to know about and it’s sometimes difficult with inexperienced professionals. Thus, you need a deep understanding of these concepts to become a perfect AWS professional.

Knowledge of using DynamoDB and RDS

The knowledge of using DynamoDB & RDS is also an added benefit for the AWS solution architect. DynamoDB is a kind of NoSQL solution useful for key and value pairs. Mostly, values are JSON objects.

On the other hand, RDS is the type of managed service for relational data storage like an RDBMS. Such as Aurora, Oracle installed on the VM, and the various operations like auto backups, etc. done through AWS.

You may also easily build the EC2 instance and install MongoDB, MySQL, etc. But handling and optimizing these configurations may require some experience as a professional. Most importantly, you need to minimize the overall cost as an AWS solution architect.

Hence, on a whole, you need to have the skill of provisioning DynamoDB instances based on data recovery and updating operations. Cost minimization, DB structure designing, building clusters, and applying load balancers perfectly, etc. are other skills. Further, the knowledge of using RDS for making replicas of fast data recovery is also a need. Besides, data distribution using the CloudFront network of Amazon for replication and caching the content also add as a skill.

This includes editing; add/remove data to the CloudFront and vice-versa. Adjusting and balancing the cache contents by various parameters, cookies, etc. Moreover, you should know how to link the S3 objects and CloudFront allocation practice.

The knowledge of these various skills may help you to become a perfect AWS solution architect.

Solution architect certification

An AWS Solution Architect needs to become certified to perform his tasks for any business organization. Along with the skills, it becomes essential for the IT professional to become a Certified Solution Architect from the AWS. The certification will give him a bit to explore in the field of cloud computing. A Certified Solution Architect needs to clear an examination that is necessary for every person being a Solution Architect.  This certification will make him stand out in the market with good skills. With the help of these skills and certification, anyone can prove his candidature. Learning the skills of AWS to get certified in the area will open the doors to the future.

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Acquiring skills and knowledge of various concepts of AWS and cloud computing will help in this regard well.  There are several certifications and they serve different purposes. Acquiring demanding skills and certifications may help to prosper in this field well.


The above words, in general, explain the process to become an AWS Solution Architect along with the job responsibilities. To become an expert in this area of technology one should have the required skills. Moreover, the person should be strong in computing and technical knowledge to grab the changes. The trends that always on the wheels of change require skill development with updates. This makes the person achieve something big. Getting more skills and knowledge will improve the quality of work. It will also enhance productivity and improve work standards much more to achieve great success.

To get certified from the industry expert’s one can opt for AWS Solution Architect Online Training to acquire practical skills. This learning may help to grab the latest skills and technical aspects. It may also help to build a successful career in this regard.