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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2023-06-07
How to Build a Successful DevOps Team?

According to recent stats with 38% of tech organizations reporting that they will have trouble finding qualified developers in 2023, the DevOps industry continues to have an urgent need for new talent. The top area where these same respondents are feeling the strain is DevOps, they said. As a result, while creating DevOps teams, businesses need to make sure they prioritize and develop the appropriate set of essential skills.

In the sections that follow, we go through the essential traits that organizations should look for in DevOps engineers as well as what managers can do to make the most of their current workforce.

How to Build Successful DevOps Teams?

The DevOps sector continues to have an urgent need for new talent. The top area where these respondents are feeling the strain is DevOps, according to these same respondents. As a result, while creating DevOps teams, organizations must make sure they give the proper set of key talents top priority and nurture them.

We go over the main characteristics that organizations should look for when hiring new DevOps engineers below, as well as what managers can do to make the most of their current staff members.

A smart, curious, and productive DevOps staff will be rewarded for tech businesses prioritizing the development of these skills, helping them stand out from rivals.

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An Eagerness to Learn

The DevOps industry is continuously changing, therefore the talent businesses hire should be equally flexible in their approach to work.

You must have a natural appetite for information and a desire to grow, as well as be extremely tenacious when dealing with difficulties, to be effective as a DevOps engineer. It's challenging to keep up with everything new in this area of IT because it is changing so quickly. You must take action to develop your skills outside of the workplace in addition to what you learn at work.

An Analytical and Strategic Approach

Skills in system administration and development are necessary, but they are insufficient if developers don't always keep the big picture in mind. Therefore, analytical skills and the capacity for strategic thought are crucial for DevOps engineers.

Engineers may tackle a DevOps project more easily thanks to these qualities. The most important thing for you to do is analyze the project and choose the best tools and strategies. You could be very knowledgeable about various tools and cloud services, but if you don't know how to use them, you won't be successful in the DevOps environment.

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Putting DevOps Theory Into Practice

True advancement occurs when theory is put into practice. In light of this, the knowledge that DevOps workers acquire from training, education, books, and study is of limited use unless it is combined with real-world experience.

The ability to be versatile is a key competency in the field, and successful DevOps professionals should be proficient with a variety of tools. Additionally, they must have at least one area of Dev or Ops expertise. Python is an excellent example because it is very efficient at automating processes and should be seen as a crucial first step in developing DevOps engineering skill sets.

Identifying Transferrable Skills

When hiring new mployees, employers should seek applicable abilities in other IT specialties that could aid a candidate in making the transition to DevOps. For instance, when choosing a shift of focus, knowledge in SysOps or a particular programming language might be incredibly helpful.

"DevOps brings together the worlds of administrators (SysOps) and programmers/developers (Dev). Having experience in each of these fields is the quickest route into DevOps."As a developer, you can take advantage of your experience setting up local infrastructure for testing. As an admin, you can build on your scripting experience."

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A Clear and Focused Approach to Specialisation

 When building their DevOps strategy, firms should keep things as straightforward as possible. "Aim to simplify things. Always keep automation in mind, treat all infrastructure like code, and keep up with new tools and technologies.

By using automation technologies like Ansible and Terraform, for instance, developers may avoid falling behind and better adapt to a rapidly evolving market.

Developing the Next Generation

IT businesses must support the development of DevOps engineers by giving them resources to concentrate on developing the skills that will maximize their potential. The businesses that invest time and money in developing the next generation of talent can expect the rewards of a greater pool of qualified engineers. Long-term, this will reduce the lack of DevOps capabilities and lead to a more successful IT Department.

What Makes a Good DevOps Teams?

Here is a list of the essential qualities that define a successful DevOps team:

  • Collaboration - Because DevOps initiatives contain so many moving pieces, team members should work closely together and support one another as needed.
  • Excellent tools - The DevOps toolkit should be carefully selected to strike a balance between cost, quality, usability, and the engineers' expertise.
  • Integrating DevOps tools - When the tools they use are integrated, productivity increases, communication and cooperation are aided, and bottlenecks and barriers are eliminated.
  • Communication - Poor communication among team members leads to bottlenecks. DevOps tool integration promotes effective and timely communication.
  •  Mindset - being receptive and eager to learn. repeating tasks if there are trouble spots or if anything stops functioning properly.
  •  Constant learning and development — Teams need feedback to know if they are heading in the correct direction or if they need to make adjustments.

High levels of professionalism, decisiveness, the capacity to ask for assistance, a willingness to learn and develop, honesty, and openness are requirements for DevOps. When you are unable to personally meet the other person, it is difficult to work and communicate with them while exhibiting high levels of empathy and trust. In order to be able to collaborate easily when working remotely, many DevOps specialists primarily rely on the integration of DevOps tools. These experts will share knowledge and foster a DevOps culture more readily the more easily they can communicate.

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How to measure the successful DevOps Teams?

The following are four crucial metrics that any DevOps team should track, despite the fact that there are many others that can be used to gauge DevOps performance.

Lead time for changes

In contrast to medium and low-performing teams, which assess lead times in days, weeks, or even months, high-performing teams often measure lead times in hours. The three main strategies for reducing lead time are test automation, trunk-based development, and working in small batches. These procedures give developers quick feedback on the calibre of the code they commit, allowing them to find and fix any errors. If developers work on significant modifications that are split up into several branches and rely on manual testing for quality assurance, long lead times are nearly a given.

Change failure rate

Teams that perform well have change failure rates between 0 and 15%.

Test automation, trunk-based development, and working in small batches are the same techniques that enable shorter lead times and are associated with a decline in change failure rates. All of these procedures make it considerably simpler to find and fix flaws.

Not only is tracking and reporting on change failure rates crucial for finding and correcting issues, but it also helps to guarantee that new code releases adhere to security standards.

Deployment frequency

Changes can be deployed instantly by high-performing teams, who frequently do it multiple times per day. Teams with lower performance levels frequently have a weekly or monthly deployment cap. 

An automated deployment pipeline that integrates the automated testing and feedback methods mentioned in the preceding sections and minimizes the requirement for human intervention is necessary for the capacity to deploy on demand.

Mean time to recovery

Low-performing teams may need up to a week to recover from a system breakdown, while high-performing teams typically do so in less than an hour.

The ability to rapidly recognize a failure when it occurs and deploy a repair or roll back any modifications that caused the fault is essential for quick recovery. This is often accomplished by regularly checking the health of the system and notifying the operations team of any failures. The procedures, equipment, and approvals required for incident resolution must be available to the operations team.

The emphasis on MTTR is a change from the previous practice of emphasizing mean time between failures (MTBF). It illustrates the greater complexity of contemporary applications and, thus, the greater likelihood of failure. Additionally, it supports the idea of ongoing development. Teams continuously deploy rather than waiting for the deployment to be "perfect" to prevent any failures (thus resetting the old MTBF scorecard). To help teams improve their upstream processes and tooling, MTTR promotes blameless retrospectives rather than assigning blame for sabotaging a "perfect" MTBF record.  


By reaching the end of this blog post, I hope you people have acquired enough information on How to build a successful DevOps Teams, and how it is beneficial in IT Environment. OnlineITGuru is a world-class leader in providing DevOps Online Training by industry experts. By the end of this course, you will be acquiring enough skills to become a certified DevOps Professional