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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2021-12-13
Explain the difference Java vs C# 

Java and C# are two of the most widely useful coding languages in the world. C# is a Microsoft computer programming language. It works on the Dot Net framework. Further, it is to create web, mobile, and desktop applications. Also useful in the creation of games, among other things. In comparison, both follow the OOPs principle, have simple syntax. Also, they give good performance. Before diving into the basic contrasts between both. So, it's important to know what a programming language is. We'll also learn a little about both.

Programming languages, also known as coding languages. They are a set of instructions. So, they can deliver to computer systems for them to do specific tasks. Every coding language has a certain syntax that is useful in the building of programs. Coding languages are also useful for creating apps, games, web pages, OS, and so on. Due to complex coding, programming languages useful in the past were difficult to read. It was not easy to handle such programming, but a few experts were able to do so. Most of the syntax is machine-readable. It is not human-readable.

But, coders can create and maintain the most useful high-level languages today. They're easier to learn, and some of them have straight syntax. Furthermore, the most recent coding languages include many appealing advantages. Such as code simplicity and readability. The OOPs idea is the most significant element for the newer coding languages. Such as C sharp and Java in this regard.

Many properties of programming codes. E.g., encapsulation, inheritance, data hiding, reusability, and so on. So, it includes in this idea of programming.

Let's dig deeper into the distinctions between the two. Before doing that, we should have a basic learning of each.

They are both imperative languages. So, this means they use a statement to change the state of a program. Also, we will see what the differences are between both of them.

java vs c sharp

What is Java?

Java is a class-based, object-oriented multi-paradigm language. It created by Sun Microsystems and designed by James Gosling in 1995. It was created with the WORA philosophy in mind. Thus, it refers to as a platform-independent language. Java apps can compile into bytecode. So, that may run on any JVM, regardless of the operating system or architecture. It has web development and other Android-based software apps for a variety of devices. Embedded systems, desktops, and apps are examples of high-level programs. It works with a broad variety of devices. So, this includes smartphones, ATMs, home security systems, and more.

The main objectives are as follows:

It should be clear and object-oriented.

It needs to be stable and secure.

Also, it must perform at a high level.

It must be understood, and dynamic.

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The start of the project was in June 1991.

Originally, it is for interactive tv.

It has the name Oak after an oak tree that stood outside Gosling's office.

It was later renamed Green before being given the name Java. So, which inspired Indonesian coffee.

Sun Microsystems introduced Java 1.0, the first version, in 1996.

The introduction of version 2 was in 1998. So, with many variants for various platforms.

Sun changed the names of the J2 versions to Java EE, ME, and SE in 2006.

Sun launched JVM in November 2006.

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It is clear to learn and has a basic syntax.

It adheres to OOP concepts. E.g., inheritance, abstraction, and encapsulation.


It provides automatic garbage collection and exception handling. As well, memory management and mishandled exceptions.

Platform Independent:

It uses JRE to run its apps on any platform, following its WORA functionality.

Its secure and reliable goods.  allow us to create a virus-free and temper-free system.


Java multithreading creates a program. So, that can perform many tasks at the same time. As a result, it can run many threads at the same time using the same memory and other resources.

Architecturally Neutral:

The compiler generates bytecodes. It is not affected by the architecture of the computer.

High Performance:

It uses a just-in-time compiler to achieve high performance.


Programs are to execute over a network of computers.

What is C#?

C# is a multi-paradigm coding language. Its development is by Microsoft as part of its dot net strategy around the year 2000. C# is one of the programming languages created for the CLI.

ECMA and ISO quickly designated the language an international languages standard. So, with the following design goals:

The language is to be a modern, oop language. So, it is simple to learn.

Software engineering principles are present by C sharp executions. So, array bounds checking, GC, and other concepts covered.

Because of its mobility, the language may be useful on a variety of platforms.

Internationalization is available by C sharp.

C# may be useful to create apps for both embedded systems and operating systems.

C#'s History

Andres Hejlsberg designed it in 1999.

Cool stood for C-like Object-Oriented Language when it was first released.

C# 2.0, which included generics, their release was in November 2005.

It has the designation C sharp. It was derived from musical notation. Microsoft had before used this term for an unfinished project in the year 1988.

C# Features

C++ and Java were to create it.

It involves Microsoft Visual Studio.


There are no pointers.

There are no "::" or "->" operators.

Primitive kinds come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Memory management and garbage collection are automatic. So, they do not need the use of explicit code.


Built-in line with current fashion.

Powerful, expandable, and dependable.

With built-in support, any part can change into a web service.


Inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, interfaces, and other OOP concepts are present.

Introduction of structures in C#. Thus, allowing primitive types to become objects.


It prevents us from performing dangerous castings.

The compiler automatically initializes reference and value types to null and zero, respectively.

Arrays are zero-based indexed and bound checking.


Native support for COM and Windows-based apps is present.

VB.NET components can use directly in C sharp.


Both languages are object-oriented. So, this means they support concepts. E.g, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, and others.

Dependence on C and C++:

Both are supersets of C and C++.

Compilation of Intermediate Language Code:

Both compilers generate intermediate language code following compilation. The Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) is by the C# compiler. But, whereas the Java compiler generates Java bytecode.

Advanced Features:

Advanced features such as garbage collection are there in both languages.

Both languages have a similar syntactic structure.

Many Inheritance:

Both languages allow for the inheritance of many classes.

The Most Significant Differences Between C# and Java

Java uses the JRE. But, whereas C sharp uses the CLR.

Programming paradigm:

It is an object-oriented language. It is also functional, high type, and component-oriented. But, whereas C sharp is an object-oriented language. It is also functional, strong type, and component-oriented.

Operator Overloading:

Operator overloading is not present in Java. Although it is there in C# for many operators.


While it does not allow pointers. But, Csharp does, albeit only in unsafe mode.


In Java, arrays are a subset of Objects. But, in C sharp, arrays are a subset of the System.

C# is good for game development & mobile development. But, while other is ideal for complex web-dependent, concurrent systems.

C sharp libraries come with a dot Net framework and an IDE. E.g., Visual Studio. But, others require the JDK. So, it includes a Java compiler and runs a virtual environment to execute it on any machine.

In Java, source code turns into bytecode. It is then recast to machine code. So, it is ready to execute on any platform. But, in C sharp, code interprets into bytecode. So, which is then make by CLR. So, the JIT compiler converts MSIL into native machine code.

It is to run on the JRE. But, whereas C sharp is to run on the CLR.

C# is useful to develop apps for Microsoft platforms. But, whereas Java is to construct complex apps in an open-source ecosystem.

In Java, there is a clear distinction between Check & Uncheck exceptions. But in C sharp, there is only one sort of exception available.

Polymorphism help by default in Java. But in other, the "virtual" keyword in the base class and the "override" keyword in the derived class must use.

The Java library environment is large and well-documented. So, it helps developers develop functionality fast. But, whereas C sharp libraries work within the Microsoft ecosystem. So, it is limiting in comparison to it.

It has had a large community offering open-source libraries. Thus, allowing it to meet any demand. But, whereas Csharp lacks free quality library support from the Microsoft society.

Generic feature provision in Java is compiler-assisted and relies on erasures. But, generics in C sharp can integrate into the CLI. Also, allow type data to be available at runtime.

C sharp Benefits

Lambda and generics are present in C sharp.

Query using Language Integration (LINQ).

Secure extension mechanisms are available in the language.

Getting and setting methods are available for properties.

Memory management is a crucial skill to possess.

Cross-platform support is best in class.

Compatibility with previous versions.

Drawbacks of C Sharp

Poor graphical user interface.

Because C sharp is an integral element of the dot NET framework. So, the application must run on Windows.

Because software is proprietary, it must-buys in advance be compiles

C sharp is less versatile since it is heavily reliant on the dot Net foundation.

It is a sluggish language to use, and any changes to the program must compile each time they make.

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Java's Advantages

It has wide documentation.

The enormous number of highly skilled developers on hand.

It enables the creation of standard programs and code that can reuse.

It provides a multi-threaded setting.

Outstanding and exceptional performance.

There are numerous third-party libraries to choose from.

Libraries that are simple to navigate.

Java's disadvantages

The JIT compiler reduces the size of the program.

Maintaining Java programs needs a lot of hardware. Because it has a lot of memory and processing needs.

Low-level programming constructs such as pointers. Further, they do not get support by the language.

Java lacks functions. E.g., delete() and free(). So, the user has no control over garbage collection.


That concludes our discussion of C# vs. Java. So, this began with an overview of the languages, their development histories. Also, their route to becoming recognized as international coding language standards. Further, their similarities and contrasts. I hope you have thoroughly researched and weighed the languages. As well, their pros and cons.

What you select for your project relies on various aspects. E.g., the application's needs, usage, platform. Both languages can produce the finest results. So, when blending with the correct tools and a dedicated developer who wants to create something new.

Bottom line

In the Java vs. C#, I hope you know the vital differences between the two coding languages. As a result, you'll be able to choose the best language for web pages, mobile apps, and so on. Although they specialize in distinct areas, both are good coding languages. It is simpler to choose the best one among the two based on the user's needs and market updates.

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