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Post By Admin Last Updated At 2020-12-29
Java vs Javascript: which is better in 2021?

People entering the tech world may be in confusion about the difference between Java and Javascript. But the common thing in both these programming languages is “Java”. They have their terminologies, features, benefits, limitations, etc. Here, in this blog,  Java Vs Javascript, we are going to discuss the key and major differences between them. 

After getting the major differences between both languages we can decide which will be better to use. Let us know the basics of both programming languages.

Java vs Javascript difference

Java is an object-oriented (OOP) programming language that uses objects to execute actions with multi-platform ability. It's the most commonly useful programming language for different purposes. Moreover, Java uses JVM or Java Virtual Machine for running apps and programs that require JDK/JRE installation. This language is an invention of James Gosling and developed by Sun Microsystems, came into use by the year 1995, and still continues with updates. The multi-platform feature makes it easier to run a single program on various devices at a time. 

on the other side, Javascript is a type of scripting language developed by Netscape Inc. in the year 1990. It's a lightweight scripting language that is useful in making web pages interactive by inserting dynamic text into HTML. JavaScript is not similar to Java language but it also uses C language type syntax like Java uses. This language also uses objects to perform various actions like Java. 

Both programming languages use “C” lang based syntax and are most useful in client-side and server-side web apps. Let us look after the key differences between Java vs Javascript.

Java vs Javascript- Difference

Object-oriented Programming

Java is an OOP language that uses objects to execute multiple actions. This language is much useful in server-side developments. JavaScript is an Object-oriented Scripting (OOS) language with object usage in action performances.


In Java vs Javascript, the Java language uses JVM/Java Virtual Machine for running its programs and applications that need JDK installation. On the other hand, Javascript doesn't have any initial setup to run as its apps run on any web browser easily.  


Java programming language syntax is similar to that of C/C++ language. Moreover, it uses various classes and objects within it for execution. But Javascript syntax is similar to “C” programming language and it uses naming conventions like Java language. 


Coming to the compilation part, Java language programs include compilation and interpretation. In the case of Javascript (a scripting language), programs are only interpreted. This refers to a plain text code or script. 

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Applications (Java vs Javascript)

There are many important applications developed by using the Java language. Such as; Android applications, Big data analytics, enterprise software, and many server-side techs like Apache, Glassfish, etc.

Javascript is also useful in app development such as SPA (Single Page Applications), many front-end techs like jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJs, etc. There are some server-side technologies also like Node.js, MongoDB, etc. 


Java language offers cross-platform support for multiple operating systems. Javascript is also supported by various browsers that come with different OS. Hence, developers can build various scripts using Javascript. 


In Java vs JavaScript, the term concurrency is managed very differently. In Java class concurrency, the strong point is that it enables developers to work with many threads and also useful in managing concurrency in parallel. 

But the Javascript runs on a single thread that reacts to the events only while it appears. It manages the concurrency using a queue system -” event loop”. This also includes many features like async, await, callbacks, heap, etc. 

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Features of Java (Java vs Javascript)

There are many useful features within Java pro-language. These are;

  • Java is built and designed for developing OOP/object-oriented applications with code once and run on multiple platforms principle.
  • It's a language with automatic memory management that has distributed computing features due to a network-centric approach.
  • Moreover, it is static and strongly typed programming language. Hence, the variable that we use here, should be defined first before using it in the program. 
  • Java language is both interpreted and compiled as it is static and it translates source code into bytecode. Also, this language is executed using Java Virtual Machine -JVM.
  • Furthermore, it is compiled on the server-side before executing on the client-side. 
  • The language Java includes great libraries with excellent tooling systems inside and is used much widely. Moreover, it’s standalone.
  • Moreover, Java doesn’t need any web browser to run its programs. 
  • The file extension for Java programs is “.Java” and it changes the source code also.
  • On the Hosting machine, Java programs are stored as “Bytecode”.
  • Most mobile applications are written in Java language only as it offers support to smartphone platforms like Android. 
  • In Java language, there is constructor function support available. 
  • This language uses certain protection measures to safe side certain parts of the code/script performed by various threads at a time. It maintains syncing between the locks and threads to manage reliable communication among them. 
  • Java development tools include Netbeans, IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse, Maven, Android studio, etc. 
Features of Javascript (Java vs Javascript)

The features of JavaScript include the following points.

  • Javascript is a widely used scripting language with cross-platform support along with client-side and server-side apps.
  • It's an object-based scripting language and is not a standalone language like Java. Hence, it needs integration into HTML language for execution. 
  • Javascript is a weakly or loosely typed language that has relaxed and simple syntax and rules. Here it means the user doesn't have to worry about the variable’s data-type before and after the declaration of variables.
  • In Javascript, the need for a web browser is important to run its programs smoothly.
  • Javascript language does not require a large memory like Java. 
  • The file extensions used in this scripting language are ".js”.
  • Furthermore, the Javascript stores on the hosting device as a “Source text”.
  • Writing scripts for mobile apps using Javascript is possible but it has some limitations too. Here, it requires the usage of third-party tools.
  • In JavaScript, there is no any kind of support of a constructor available. 
  • The development tool with JavaScript includes Gulp, Sublime Text, and Apache Cordova. 
Example: Java vs Javascript

Here we will look into an example that uses simple syntax for both languages.

In Java language, Syntax to print “Hi User” will be-

class A  


public static void main(String args[]){   

    System.out.println("Hi User");   


The output for the above syntax will be as follows -

Hi User

In Javascript, the syntax to print “Hi User” will be as follows;-




First JavaScript Tutorial





The output for this will be in the image format.

First JavaScript Tutorial

Hi User!

Advantages of Java (Java vs Javascript)

The following are the major advantages or benefits of using the Java programming language.

  • Java programming is available with detailed documentation.
  • This is a pool of many third-party libraries and has a good community of skilled developers across the globe.
  • Moreover, the language Java facilitates its user’s code reusability and also to build standard programs. 
  • Further, this language has a multithreaded environment that enables its users to execute many tasks within a program simultaneously. 
  • Besides, the Java language performs excellently and includes vast libraries that are easy to move in between.
  • Java language has an implicit class scope and it works much faster than JavaScript due to faster memory sharing, thread to thread.
Advantages of JavaScript (Java vs Javascript)

The below points reveal the major advantages of JavaScript.

  • JavaScript is a specially developed & designed scripting language for small scripts. It supports various classes, interfaces, and modules. 
  • The language supports compilation and interpretation that runs its programs in any browser. Moreover, it enables the cross-compilation of programs.
  • Users have the option to expand Javascript for writing large apps. 
  • Moreover, users can use this scripting language for storing and recovering information on the user’s system.
  • Further, this language allows users to build interfaces that react while the user floats using his mouse. 
  • JavaScript doesn’t support a multithreading system.
Major similarities: (Java vs JavaScript)

In Java vs JavaScript, both languages have some similarities. They are as follows;-

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Both java and javascript are object-oriented OOP languages. They require the developer to code objects and their relationship.

Front-end development

These languages are useful in the aspect of front-end development also. In this case, JavaScript is directly implanted into the HTML script. But the Java language is useful as a Java applet. 

Running on Internet browsers

Thus, both languages can run on web browsers smoothly. JavaScript runs on the latest/modern web browsers that make the webpages more dynamic and interactive for users. Java apps also run on web browsers with the help of applets. Here, they use to read user input and change the content accordingly with code.

Back-end development

In java vs Javascript, both are useful on the server-side application for back-end development. Here, Java offers long power back-end support technologies like Apache, WebSphere, etc. On the other end, Javascript servers get support from Node.Js.  

Moreover, both languages include the vast space of libraries and frameworks. Most of them are reusable. 

Java is a platform-independent language. In this, the programs written in one platform are portable easily to another system. 

Hourly rates of Java and JavaScript developers and professionals

When we recruit skilled professional developers, their hourly rates vary on a number of factors. Like the complexity of the project, seniority level, and workspace complexity, geographical area, etc. And also, the type of programming language they work with. In this context, JavaScript and Java language, both are quite similar to the hourly rates. The rates may vary between $-61 and $-80 globally. 

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What language should you choose for your upcoming project?

There are many things that users need to consider and think about before stepping to accept a prog language for their project. Here are the relevant cases that will help you get the right idea to choose the best one. 

In case you want a mobile app particularly for the Android platform, then you can go with Java language. This language is also best suitable for developing various web and desktop apps. They generally run on servers, enterprise-level software, big data analytics, creating server-side techs like JBoss, etc.

In case, your project includes the need for building single-page apps (SPAs), server-side technologies. Like MongoDB, Express.js, mobile app development on PhoneGap, etc. Then you can go with JavaScript language. 

Hence, now you can decide which one to go with within Java vs JavaScript.

Summing up (Java vs JavaScript)

Thus, I am going to conclude the topic Java vs Javascript here and I hope you have gone through the major areas of differences in them. Both are programming languages but with some similarities and some limitations. Java vs Javascript offers a good understanding of both languages and helps you to choose the better one. Depending on the project you work on and the requirements you have, you can use these languages. To learn more in practical and use real-time applications, you can opt for Core Java Online Training. I hope this learning will help you to become a perfect programmer.